Monday, November 28, 2011

Back to Singapore

It's the early flight back to Singapore but it will be comfy: train to airport, fly by SQ and home via taxi. Well it's back to swimming and chai png and Chong pang.
Need to go down to office tomorrow and then it's we'd back to Perth! This time equipped with iPad movie to watch :thanks to the instructions by Lta Ennoying D.
Work not so hard for 4 weekdays and pay okay. But worked very hard on weekends for Uncle G : cousin of uncle B and have to pay him money to work . All relatives are the same, I guess.Luckily this time he did not take much.
But Uncle G has liang xin - gave the indianboyfriend a gift voucher of $50 to shop at their gift shop. Alamak the queue to pay is snakey the whole day so had to throw away the white elephant. Think Q time is 2 hours as everyone got vouchers also.
Then got problem getting down. Cable car queue stretched up to the main building and may miss the bus. But Uncle G very good . Flash out silver card and jump the queue over hundred over people and was early for bus!
There is retribution for people who eat magmum alone. Got a pack of 3 at supermart for about $1.20 each. First one was heavenly but alas, the other two melted inside in the hotel fridge.
Had Rojak mee for lunch. It is Indian Rojak with mee mixed up! Ha! ha! Not bad : must try at Bras Bassh.
It has been 24 hours and Sarge Wen AC has not throw in all his remaining cards yet. Maybe he is trying to find another word like 'qis'!
The wifi in thus cheapie hotel is better than the one in Bali. They got four network for the various floors.
Saw kaledoscop3 Facebook on her delicious fried chicken. Aiyah, people who blog about celebrations eat air while she is the final winner with fried chicken! And as the indianboyfriend was reading, he was eating at nap KFc! What a coincidence!
Today is Monday and it's back to work! As for the induanboyfriend GP, he is back to retirement mode: he will be doing what dear Hannah is doing!

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