Friday, November 11, 2011

No TV for Hannah

We found out that Hannah enjoys watching TV. Look at this video clip as evidence.

Here are some nice pics of Hannah taken yesterday.
Just woke up in the afternoon so not yet in top form yet!
Still working up the playful spirit.
Naughty cats, Hannah say... as Daddy picks up pieces of cake that the cats overturn over the night.
Who is Tabitha Tichwich? Hannah asks as the Peter Rabbit story is read to her. Why Not Siti and Devi?

After a cool bath and ready to take the dreadful medicine. Or after a bodily cleansing in an appropiately temperature controlled bath water ... was told that when you read more difficult vocabulary to the child, the learning process increases. Peter Rabbit is then ideal with pinafores etc...
Disobedient Pirate! Brought the dogs to the field and released them. Then Pirate was out of range and did not want to return to be leased up again... Problem... even Ashley tried to help by getting close to Pirate and barking at him... Then after a few tries, phew... he finally came back.. And Justin... when we arrived home, he suddenly lashes at the gardener in the most ferocious way but the indianboyfriend pulled him away.  Kin says Justin is capable of killing another dog and biting a person... As Kaledoscop3 says, he is a great pretender... that old foxy Ah Pek.
Today is already Friday... We got back to Beatty Avenue and found evidence of a secret Kentucky Fried Chicken party. We interrogated Dr Justin but he would rather die that confess. So mybakuteh cooked him lunch and everything came out! Ha!Ha! we were the beneficiary to the left over coleslaw!!!
Weekend is here so have a happy Friday!

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