Monday, November 7, 2011

Best Fish Head Curry in Perth

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend is beginning to talk like Dr Lesley recommending the best eats. Well if it is Fish Head Curry, then it has to be at Beatty Avenue. The gravy is superb although the Chef said there should be more curry powder. Only the fish need to be improved for more meat.
And that was not all. There was the kon bak too.

We had a good family crowd too. Justin could join us too.

Our Confucian ethnics dictate that we go and visit the ageing Uncle B before going to live at Langford for this week. Understand Uncle B is getting some sort of facelift... massive botox etc! And from Lins they have added Crispy Creme at the Casino Meridian room!
As before our blog ends with a video of dear Hannah.
It's ther start of a work week but make it a great day!

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