Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hannah goes Kai Kai

Ha!Ha! Hannah is all excited and ready to go kai kai with Mummy.

But first must put on headband first to look pretty. Watch the process in action!

Tried to put on the sunnies but the unable to do so (or in high vocabulary: made an abortive attempt to attach the solar reflector receptable  )
Then it was time for  a peaceful sleep after a hard day out!
Meanwhile, the Dog Whisperer Mybakuteh attempted to revive the play dead trick on Justin. And she succeeded despite the distraction of the other two dogs. Talking about the other two dogs, Lta Ennoying Daddy is also quite a dog whisperer. After listening to his instructions, Pirate came back quite easily. No need to train Ashley, she comes back every three minutes looking for treats.
Well it's back to Beatty Avenue over the weekend and we had guests for a sumptious dinner.
Look what we have: A nice fried fish and braised chicken!

The weekend is here again so enjoy!

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