Friday, November 18, 2011

Waterloo Rojak

Ha!Ha! Had the delicious waterloo rojak at Bra Brasah hawker centre yesterday for lunch. Had to jia the gravy. Halt Chor's ipad has problems with sending email and found it was due to Singtel! Anyway went to make the certificate plaque before taking 851 back.. it is the sleeping bus. Get a seat and always fall asleep.  And it is back to Chai Png.
Went to swim at the afternoon but pao le yi bai tang... the pool was closed because of thunder. Then when the indianboyfriend GP walked home it started to pour! Aiyah at night the kampong ties has gone far away... Ann Kok is now hospitalised, the husband dead and the father-in-law absconded with the grandson to Taiwan. Her ya ba is not with the 5th aunt. And they are faking letters from her son. And 9 pm Oath lagi worse. Christopher is not charged with negligence - he again did the same trick by plunging a ball point into the neck of the young doctor to save him. But it looks like murder by Quan Dewei and he is accusing Christopher to cover his negligence in surgery. Yawn... both just as boring.. give me SVU!!!!!
And there is alway space for Hannah. Look at the mona lisa if she is saying, "you all think I cannot be good?" And here is a video of the magic carpet ride.
Weekend is here and have a great time!

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