Monday, November 14, 2011

Hannah's Ko Ko and Che Che

Ha!Ha! Look at Hannah's two ko ko and one che che! But that is not all. There are two more feline ko ko.

It's all etched at the back of the Volks... Hmm quite a large family. The indianboyfriend GP thought that walking three dogs is a challenge. Gasp! Look what is happening!
Weekend has been busy for us. Sarge Wen has successfully carted a large writing desk, an easy chair and a TV from our good friend Ah Lex. With the help of Dr Justin, they were unloaded. It was quite a job to to get them from the yuke into the house for sure. And the best gift was of course the easy chair!Hmm.. wonder if there are any massage mechanism anywhere...
But where was the indianboyfriend during all this activity! Ha!Ha! Kaledoscop3 and Lins invited him to Woodman's point to fish. A glorious sunset but no fish. The biggest was the nasi lemak fish. There were people heaping herrings and scaly mackerel by the buckets.

And here is the fish...
We patronize the new bakery at Vic Park and got some nice buns and some hu tow ko or carrot cake.
And had delicious Home cooked Hokkien mee for lunch! Finally the day ended with a gratifying delivery... Sarge Wen AC's CA certificate.. Hmm he is now entitled to wear the designation CA! Congratulations!
No mention of Hannah! That is where you are wrong!
And she is saying, Look at my video!
Latest report from COMO says there are two eggs in the nest!
Hmm today is Monday and have a great start to another week!
It is also crispy creme at Uncle B!

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