Friday, November 4, 2011

Back to Perth

Can't believe that we are so quickly back to Perth. The Tiger flight was punctual and comfortable despite the meal we had on board. We were overloaded so the indianboyfriend quickly bought extra luggage for his nov trip to carry the non urgent items. Customs was a one person show but thanks to God , all the things passed through especially the unpolished wood carvings. All of Kaledoscop3 wood carving went through too. Got a video clip from Lta Ennoying Daddy and manage to trim it with a software downloaded by Sarge Wen AC but the iPad does not post videos for Blogger! So again a photo image. Tonight is family dinner night and Mybakuteh GM bought some mussels to cook tua tow style! Weather is nice and in the early morning cool. But the flies! This morning the indianboyfriend GP was tidying up some pooh in the Langford garden and was surrounded by flies buzzing around the face and landing there - the same flies that we're digging in the ground pooh! Ha! Ha ! That's summer time in beautiful Perth.

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