Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hannah in the Morning

Happy Hannah in the morning. The sweet baby wakes up with a smile as she examines the world.As a bonus for you. we have TWO videos.

But wait... there are more happy pictures of her in the morning.

This one is Hannah in the evening.

And while Lta Ennoying Daddy is hard at work, look who is enjoying themselves at home!

Ha!Ha! Uncle B was very hospital to us yesterday. Offered us Crispy creme donuts for free. We ate five altogether together with free lathe. But at last we underestimate the old man.

 After doing our sums, we found the donuts were pretty expensive each! If you live near Uncle B pop in for free morning or afternoon tea if you have good discipline over your fingers!
It rained non-stopped yesterday and the weather man says that it is this is the wettest Spring for Perth. Looks like the rain will continue today but do not dampen your great day today! Singapore is back to work after yesterday's holiday so you can contact your friends.

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