Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas in Orchard Road

Christmas comes early in Orchard Road with all its splendour and startling lights! There were be great decorations at Marina Bay Sands and Word Resorts this year!
Ha!Ha! Got VIP seat on the way back to Singapore. Funny, it rained and shined at the same time so the indianboyfriend GP tool a rar pic of the rainbow! Hope the pot of gold will be at Uncle B's house!!!!

This is Hannah dressing up with Tabitha Tichwich for a date with Lucas.
And according to Lta Ennoying Daddy, Mr Cassanova fell alseep during the sleep!
Well back at Malacca the Indianboyfriend GP saw another Baby shop on the way to slurp the last cendol. And he could not resist the jumpers knowing Hannah will look for sexy for her next date with her legs ( and pampers) showing.

At last found the angry bird and will know this explains the next time she goes crabby. Hannah angry, Mummy angry, Grandparents angry.... but this only talk lah, who can get angry with dear Hannah. But this next jumper beat them all.
Ha!Ha! Today is busy day for sure. Church, swimming, preparing for KL project, packing. Have deferred my flight to welcome our dear friend Ah Lex on Monday! The medical reports are in and still high on cholesterol. Need to go Chong Pang and eat one final bowl!!!! Have a great Sunday.

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