Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ah Ko & Hannah

Ha!Ha! Hannah and Kaledoscop3 Ah Ko seems to be getting along fine.
And playing some handshaking game!
Meanwhile Hannah woke up at 5.30 am this morning and really looked sleepy by the time it was six.
But when Lta Ennoying Daddy put her to bed, she is wide awake... ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai!
Meanwhile remember Lta Ennoying Daddy in his Movember campaign.
Do donate a few dollars for a good cause!
This is the site to go;
Did you remember the cuckoo bird at Como with the nest at the bush in front of  Kaledoscop3 door? Here is the proof and the good news is there are TWO eggs.
And the latest news... Hannah is now on the jetset roll. She just got her passport!

Australian passport some more.. go to Bali must take visa!!!
And there is a new Mummy ride for Hannah. This position enjoys great views and a wind swept face!

Ha!Ha! And she is all dressed up to go Kai Kai!
And more pictures of Hannah..
I am H.A.P.P.Y..
Don't any how say I always cry.. in fact not a cry from Hannah yesterday the whole day!
You all adults talk like babies!
Well yesterday was quite an eventual day. We almost lost Ashely during the walk. The three muskeeters met another dog and went uncontrollably wild. Ashley leave was unbuckled and she dashed out into the main road. Luckily the cars all stopped for her! Hmm.. Ashly almost went to ashes...
Went to visit the ageing Uncle B yesterday and ate the free crispy cream with free coffee. Uncle B was so happy to see mybakuteh that he gave her a small angpow!!!!But he was upset the indianboyfriend GP did not call him and took away what he has got! Unfair Uncle B....
Back at Langford, the high tech wireless house got to action again. Printed a scoopon for the indianboyfriend GP from his PC in another room wireless!!!
Today is Tuesday and have another great day!

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