Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Siany!

Ha!Ha! Happy Birthday to Siany... cats for the cat lover! You will never forget birthdays anymore with facebook... they even tell you the age!!
Hannah is now a truly well behaviour happy birthday! The report last night she was purrfect! Hope this will continue as she heads for Singapore this Saturday!
An end to a tragic tell. Kaledoscop3 says that one day she found one of the two eggs in the nest on the floor smashed.  She went to check on the other in the nest and it was not there. The mother bird has since flown away. Guess the sound of people coming in and out must have been too traumatic for the bird.
Alex and his dear wife left on Friday for Macau. He sent the indianboyfriend a thank you SMS appreciation and left behind this HUGE pressie. A most wonderful and thoughtful family friend for sure! Ha!Ha! found the TV wringly turned on. Guess all they could watched while in Singapore is Channel 5!
It poured last afternoon. Lucky to mybakuteh GM advice and went swimming on reaching home while the sun is shining. The Kampong ties has moved quiet far as Ah Hai has died and so there are two widows. The new serials at 9 pm is the Song to Remember... not too exciting but a lot of costumes.
Update on the 5th scrabble game with Sarge Wen AC. He disgustingly put in a 85 points word last night and is now 70 over points ahead of the indianboyfriend. Suspect he is playing with a dictionary and this calls for disqualification of all previous wins!!!
Today is Tuesday and it is back to office and then Perth on Wednesday!
Have a great day!

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