Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can you guess Hannah's Pressie?

Ha!Ha! This will be Hannah's first Christmas as the pressies are coming in. Look at this one and see if you can guess what it is. No prizes!
Jog to the mini park at Langford which has a lake filled with ducks and also some baby ducklings! It even has birds like heron!
Had vietnamese salted chicken for lunch at spenser. This is probably the slowest shop in the complex. And bought a jug of soy juice. The price has kee kay already up to $5.00! But service is good and they seal up a up for the balance take away.
Back at Beatty Ave, the books are starting to arrive. Despite the complaints over the postal services over Today Tonight, the Post service are still commendable. It's like what the foreigners say of Singaporeans. We have one of the world's best MRT and yet people keep on complaining.

Ha!Ha! Hannah woke up a little late today and the facetime was slightly delayed but it went on.
The wonders of technology - or the wonders of ipad2.
Today is Thursday. Got to contact the Vic Park Gardener.
Have a great day!

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