Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hannah's Best Friend

Ha!Ha! It's Hannah best friend - Tabitha Tichwich! As Kaledoscop3 captioned it " Tabitha Tichwich Tasty Toes"! Be Patient, dear Hannah, Lta Ennoying D will be with you tomorrow evening!
It has to be Chong Pang for brekky. All the talk about Kuay Chap enroute fizzled out when everyone settled for the computer mee. Hmm.. had the waterloo indian rojak with Halt Chor KP for lunch. After lunch went to change Thai Baht and the money changer swore 4.10 is a very good rate. Came back to Yishun and found it was offering 4.15 as standard. Which confirms all money changers are dodgey.
Went to HDB to buy carpark coupons as Sarge Wen AC's friend lend him one of his many cars! Alamat! Look at what technology and management has done. No more open counters. Everyone must take a Q number. So the indianboyfriend GP took one and there were 30 people ahead! After waiting for 45 mins, his turned came and he went up just to buy the vouchers! The people infront were enquiring about heavy stuff like tenancy etc and all this more man wanted  was just buy a ticket!! Anway he cycled there to inflate his bicycle and he and the bicycle shop has no yuan fen. Everytime he goes, the shop qian qian close on that day. Must remember.. it is wednesday - same as swimming pool.
Night time came, and we tried our scooporn vouchers on the chilly crab. $28 for one 1kg crab and two free drinks and gir hiang and fried chicken at $5 each. The pepper crab was tops but we suspect both crabs are far short of 1 kg.
The chilli crab was cooked quite differently but Angela and the indianboyfriend GP liked it. But the plus point is the crab is teeming with roe. It is like sinfully eating them and singing, "Roe, Roe away, all my sins
did not roll away!". And Sarge Wen AC says the meat was very sweet.

Ordered the spinach too. Verdict? Good deal especially at Novena Ville the location is accessible. But funny thing, the korean BBQ next door was overflowing with customers and this shop was empty... which is not bad as we had attentive service. Ha!Ha! since this scoopon, many crabbies have also advertised at same price... Time to be more adventurous!
Halt Chor has set the "Show Hannah to the family" lunch on boxing day next week at her Henderson place. Maybe still in time for more Xmas pressies!
Ha!Ha! More rain today and everyday this week and next week.
Talk about the Singapore garmen. Not only have the best transport system but the best immigration ( except 2nd link checkpoint). On Tuesday, mybakuteh applied for her passport renewal on line using her glamour pic. This morning, two days later, came an email to say the passport is ready for collection AND you can make an appointment to collect it fast lane or even at the Post Office. Amazing efficieny without having to jostle and wait with the teeming crowd! Remember the old days where it took one whole day to get the passport renewed.. believe it was Joo Chiat.
Well get new passport and then go Krungthep and nuat nuat. Sabai mak!!!

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