Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hannah wishes All a Merry Christmas!

This is Hannah's first Christmas and she is wishing all her aunties and uncles and family members a merry Christmas. Heard she top the list in the family for the most number of Christmas pressies!
Deja vu in Singapore - the MRT broke down again for 7 hours. Ha!Ha! This time MRT gave better bilingual annoucments and alternative transport. PM not so happy and wants an enquiry - don't know if any top paying execs will be chopped!!!! We had suffered short breakdowns a few months ago buit guess the people are not taking it seriously!
Alamak. Better take train and see Christmas lights in orchard  road before it is suspended! If go see light and train breaks down the third time, then you see no ball in the tunnel darkness!

Imitation fish head mee hoon! This is the other version in Spenser village at only $8.50. The verdict is the taste is quite near to Bateman without the long wait and crampness. But Batemen is unbeatable especially the laksa version.

It was chicken rice last night with the home cooked fragrant rice and chicken, topped with char siew and siew yoke from Spenser village,
Kaledoscop3 and lins came over to join us.
And it is Ya Koon Breakfast in the morning with soft boiled eggs.
Today is Sunday and mybakuteh is making a final clean of Beatty Ave before we leave tomorrow morning. Then it is back to Singapore for Christmas - for durians, for mee pok and for No 4 mee!
Have a great Sunday!

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