Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elephants galore!

Went to town yesterday and there was this elephant thing all over the place. Anyway took the train back and dozed off... then when the indianboyfriend GP opened his eyes, he saw the train was above the ground. Then an announcement rang through saying "next stop - Yishun". The wonders of automatic wake up! Must had a lot of practice on church!.

Ha!Ha! Got Sarge Wen AC's CA plaque finally made at B3 size. Weighs 2 kg and brought the luggage to the max of 20 kg, including the mob! It poured during the afternoon and tried to take a nap. Then the doorbell rang by itself - not once but three times at separate interval. By the last ring, the rain stopped so it was time for the pool. Strangely the water was warm. Took the chai png at the corner shop next to the garbage disposal block for the second time upon mybakuteh recommendation. It is the best yet to be. The food is tasty and inexpensive. Has pig's trotters last night and it was lean with nice skin - all three chucnky pieces with veg for only $2.50!
Sarge Wen bought the indianboyfriend GP a special piece of chocs on the night he left Perth. While the top was a little sweet with the toffee, the base tastes as good as Nestle!
The indianboyfriend GP's is all packed. The taxi is waiting and blowing his horn ( hopefully) and not to wait for another half an hour with waiting competitors.
Hannah and Family, here comes the indianboufriend GP!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Siany!

Ha!Ha! Happy Birthday to Siany... cats for the cat lover! You will never forget birthdays anymore with facebook... they even tell you the age!!
Hannah is now a truly well behaviour happy birthday! The report last night she was purrfect! Hope this will continue as she heads for Singapore this Saturday!
An end to a tragic tell. Kaledoscop3 says that one day she found one of the two eggs in the nest on the floor smashed.  She went to check on the other in the nest and it was not there. The mother bird has since flown away. Guess the sound of people coming in and out must have been too traumatic for the bird.
Alex and his dear wife left on Friday for Macau. He sent the indianboyfriend a thank you SMS appreciation and left behind this HUGE pressie. A most wonderful and thoughtful family friend for sure! Ha!Ha! found the TV wringly turned on. Guess all they could watched while in Singapore is Channel 5!
It poured last afternoon. Lucky to mybakuteh GM advice and went swimming on reaching home while the sun is shining. The Kampong ties has moved quiet far as Ah Hai has died and so there are two widows. The new serials at 9 pm is the Song to Remember... not too exciting but a lot of costumes.
Update on the 5th scrabble game with Sarge Wen AC. He disgustingly put in a 85 points word last night and is now 70 over points ahead of the indianboyfriend. Suspect he is playing with a dictionary and this calls for disqualification of all previous wins!!!
Today is Tuesday and it is back to office and then Perth on Wednesday!
Have a great day!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Back to Singapore

It's the early flight back to Singapore but it will be comfy: train to airport, fly by SQ and home via taxi. Well it's back to swimming and chai png and Chong pang.
Need to go down to office tomorrow and then it's we'd back to Perth! This time equipped with iPad movie to watch :thanks to the instructions by Lta Ennoying D.
Work not so hard for 4 weekdays and pay okay. But worked very hard on weekends for Uncle G : cousin of uncle B and have to pay him money to work . All relatives are the same, I guess.Luckily this time he did not take much.
But Uncle G has liang xin - gave the indianboyfriend a gift voucher of $50 to shop at their gift shop. Alamak the queue to pay is snakey the whole day so had to throw away the white elephant. Think Q time is 2 hours as everyone got vouchers also.
Then got problem getting down. Cable car queue stretched up to the main building and may miss the bus. But Uncle G very good . Flash out silver card and jump the queue over hundred over people and was early for bus!
There is retribution for people who eat magmum alone. Got a pack of 3 at supermart for about $1.20 each. First one was heavenly but alas, the other two melted inside in the hotel fridge.
Had Rojak mee for lunch. It is Indian Rojak with mee mixed up! Ha! ha! Not bad : must try at Bras Bassh.
It has been 24 hours and Sarge Wen AC has not throw in all his remaining cards yet. Maybe he is trying to find another word like 'qis'!
The wifi in thus cheapie hotel is better than the one in Bali. They got four network for the various floors.
Saw kaledoscop3 Facebook on her delicious fried chicken. Aiyah, people who blog about celebrations eat air while she is the final winner with fried chicken! And as the indianboyfriend was reading, he was eating at nap KFc! What a coincidence!
Today is Monday and it's back to work! As for the induanboyfriend GP, he is back to retirement mode: he will be doing what dear Hannah is doing!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

From a King to a Jack

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend GP has some adjustments to make for sure. From intercontinental hotel to budget is quick a downgrade. But no worries: got free wi fi, flat screen tv and star movie!
The Margaret River fire is rather chilling. It is caused not by a bush fire but a controlled burnt! Such incompetency cannot be tolerated. This is a month of celebrations. First Dr Chok's dedication ceremony at the Uwa historic hall, then Kin's birthday and this Tuesday, Sian's birthday!
The Straits Time on line is very bad. Everyday cannot download the latest edition. Advertise and boast so
Much but cannot even deliver such a simple thing. Update on 4th scrabble game: if Sarge Wen AC finishes his tiles, then it will be wan dan le! And it is his move now.....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Spoilt for choice!

Ha!ha! There are so many types of tea provided that you do not know which one to drink. But after trying them, the best is the berry tea! Brought one set back but have to leave them in Singapore due to Aussie customs.
So comes the end of the four day lunch sashimi and oyster spree. Was too lazy to out last night so had in room dinner. The assignment ended well. Saw a participant carrying a nice company bag and asked for it and got it. Meanwhile all's not well in the fourth scrabble rematch. Was leading until Sarge Wen AC came in with a 58 pointer surprise! Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Score 3-0

Very diu lian for the indianboyfriend GP. Played 3 online scrabble with Sarge Wen AC and LOST all three games. Hmmm better start reading more Games of Thrones.
Been to the hotel pool to swim every day although it half the size of Yishun pool. Now know the attendant do yesterday he gave towel without the need to sign.
Today is Friday and it is the last day of work! Must get a Botox jab before going back to Perth. Lta Ennoying D says Hannah stopped being crabby once the indianboyfriend left! Must be the face. Don't know why when Lta Ennoying D says Grandpa and Hannah has so much in common. Both are bald!
Have been eating Sashima and oysters every day and today is last day for sure . The weekend is here so enjoy! See Hannah in a pensive mood.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Peking duck

The only highlight yesterday was having Peking duck for dinner hosted by the company . Not too bad as haven't eaten for a long time. And Hannah will start off today! Don't do what she is doing at work!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

These shoes are meant for walking

Ha!ha! Found out hotel has complimentary shoe shine do got the old dirty shoes to be cleaned. Collected, done and delivered within half an hour. Alamak! Never work so long so find it very exhausting at the end of the day. Luckily got buffet lunch. Got sashimi and oysters! iPad does wonder. Use it to scroll the lesson plan in class! Today will be challenging, at least during lunch. See can eat more oysters but then the medical report on cholesterol. Okay today is the last time weather in K L also very rainy. It's mid week so plough on! Hmm the scrabble game with Sarge Wen AC - it may end in 1-1! No pic of Hannah on Facebook so post old one!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jam, Jam, jam

Ha! Ha! It was a day of jam yesterday. Waited outside Yishun for 45 mins for a taxi to airport! Then got competitors some more. Finally checked in and went to ta pao mee Siam. Alamak! Check in, man say gravy is liquid and cannot bring on board. So had to go out and eat. Very sedap but only pax to check in twice. Go KL must fill in white card. Ni shuo qi Kuai bu qi
Kuai. Then 1 pm also have long snakey Q. Alamak. KL airport free wi fi cannot work. Luckily sat KL Express Train -got workable free wi fi throughout journey and no jam. Company very good. Checked the indianboyfriend into Intercontinental hotel. Went exploring around Jalan Ampang and found a fast food Ayam Penyet restorant. Set meal with drink only 10 ringgit. Of course ask for more blachan - works in the morning better than papaya! then saw bananas! Cheap but Perth bananas still seems to taste better.
Baby Teo came for a visit. Got four numbers in Lotto.Told Master Teo to bring Daddy next time- So more respectable win.
Saw pic of Hannah on Kin's Facebook.
Ha! Ha ! Wonder when she will be as old as the che che! Think the indianboyfriend will be ahead in scrabble with Sarge Wen AC.
Meanwhile Ah Lex has gone to JB for a day or two. They arrived when the indianboyfriend was at Chong Pang and chained up the door! They had heaps of luggage!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby Dedication

Looks like Hannah has gotten one of the negative traits of the indianboyfriend GP - sleeping in church at the dedication service. Well, the indianboyfriend fought this and yesterday before the sermon there was this song - let faith arise, open my eyes... and believe it or not, he listened through the sermon. Well, Lta Ennoying is running second in his November cause and is asking for a final call.
Ha!Ha! Look at the growing moustache... A few dollars for a good cause will make your day great for sure!
Hmm bought a bunch of banana for $1.20 which mybakuteh would have paid for one in Perth! Somehow, the banana taste better in Perth! Anyway going to KL this morning, so cannot finish and will leave two for Alex & wife. His flight is delayed so may not meet him to say Hello.
Today is Monday and the start of another great week. Well it is back to Cho Kan for the indianboyfriend GP!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas in Orchard Road

Christmas comes early in Orchard Road with all its splendour and startling lights! There were be great decorations at Marina Bay Sands and Word Resorts this year!
Ha!Ha! Got VIP seat on the way back to Singapore. Funny, it rained and shined at the same time so the indianboyfriend GP tool a rar pic of the rainbow! Hope the pot of gold will be at Uncle B's house!!!!

This is Hannah dressing up with Tabitha Tichwich for a date with Lucas.
And according to Lta Ennoying Daddy, Mr Cassanova fell alseep during the sleep!
Well back at Malacca the Indianboyfriend GP saw another Baby shop on the way to slurp the last cendol. And he could not resist the jumpers knowing Hannah will look for sexy for her next date with her legs ( and pampers) showing.

At last found the angry bird and will know this explains the next time she goes crabby. Hannah angry, Mummy angry, Grandparents angry.... but this only talk lah, who can get angry with dear Hannah. But this next jumper beat them all.
Ha!Ha! Today is busy day for sure. Church, swimming, preparing for KL project, packing. Have deferred my flight to welcome our dear friend Ah Lex on Monday! The medical reports are in and still high on cholesterol. Need to go Chong Pang and eat one final bowl!!!! Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Empress new clothes

Ha Ha! The indianboyfriend GP arrived in Melaka yesterday for an overnight trip. Aiyah ... Bus half filled both customs no people. And now go to JB no need to fill white card. Wondered how much they will save in stationery costs! Stay in this nice budget hotel with flat TV and wifi for only $110 ringgit! Go stay at Expensive Lisboa in Macau and still got no wi fi. Last night had to call housekeeping and don't know how to use shower! It is press on and off! Went to cinema and bought a ticket under senior citizen for $6 rinngit! But chose wrong movie ~ Legendary women. Show in Cantonese and every die in the end!
Now go to Melaka not just shop for Vcd
Now shop for Hannah. Ha! ha! There's lots of baby shops here, so got a Xmas Kai Kai dress , one new year ang pow collection Kai Kai dress and one Perth mother's support group tee! Don't know buy correctly or not. Saw also Kaledoscop3 buy request and never knew there were so many varying models. Also went to the Croc shop and asked, Do you have croc that does not look like croc? And he understood me. Showed me a picture and said they were out of stock! Read ( thanks to iPad) that in Perth a couple paid $28k to save their cat after a snake bite! And they took a $20k bank loan!
One more chendol and one more footy today before heading back. Enjoy the weekend. By the way leading in the on line scrabble with Sarge Wen after putting the word ZIT(?)!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Waterloo Rojak

Ha!Ha! Had the delicious waterloo rojak at Bra Brasah hawker centre yesterday for lunch. Had to jia the gravy. Halt Chor's ipad has problems with sending email and found it was due to Singtel! Anyway went to make the certificate plaque before taking 851 back.. it is the sleeping bus. Get a seat and always fall asleep.  And it is back to Chai Png.
Went to swim at the afternoon but pao le yi bai tang... the pool was closed because of thunder. Then when the indianboyfriend GP walked home it started to pour! Aiyah at night the kampong ties has gone far away... Ann Kok is now hospitalised, the husband dead and the father-in-law absconded with the grandson to Taiwan. Her ya ba is not with the 5th aunt. And they are faking letters from her son. And 9 pm Oath lagi worse. Christopher is not charged with negligence - he again did the same trick by plunging a ball point into the neck of the young doctor to save him. But it looks like murder by Quan Dewei and he is accusing Christopher to cover his negligence in surgery. Yawn... both just as boring.. give me SVU!!!!!
And there is alway space for Hannah. Look at the mona lisa if she is saying, "you all think I cannot be good?" And here is a video of the magic carpet ride.
Weekend is here and have a great time!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

ThE Green green grass of Spore

Sarge Wen AC brought the indianboyfriend to the airport. When the indianboyfriend got to Beatty Ave he saw a coffee making machine!
Given by his friend Calvin - you see wife and husband got one each so there is a spare...Maybe now no need to visit Uncle B....

Ha!Ha! Tiger air is not all that bad. Depart on time and had an empty seat in between to strech the legs. Landed at 3.30 am and was home in bed by 4pm!
Hmm then to Chong the Scorpion woke up at 6.30 am.
Got the kuay chap.. pretty fast service must say - maybe went there a little earlie. Then good jet fruits

Here is pic of dear Hannah but do not be deceived by the sweet smile. She has been in the twilight hours for the last two days crying repeated. Probably the encymia is hurting. You can also see a commendable display of motherly patience!
Daddy says scrb all the PR stuff.. need to show Hannah at her best and worst. So here it comes
Well it's back to the hot weather and crowded trains. Meeting with Halt Chor who wants to have an update on the Perth happenings... actually nothing much.. Have a great Thursday and hope Sarge Wen AC has put out the trash bins!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Charlotte's Web

You will never know how fast the Spiders at Langford work. Imagine Lta Ennoying Daddy's car parked outside the house having a full spider web built up during the day!!! Reminds me of the story of King Arthur who was inspired by the peserverence of a Spider while hiding in a cave!
And look who is enjoying the house when Lta Ennoying is working hard at the office! Sun bathing under the soft synthetic grass!
Ha!Ha! And here is the November Daady with Hannah in the morning.
Ha!Ha! It is still not too late to throw in a few bucks to support the man and the cause.
Ha!Ha! We were given to a roast duck treat by Lta Ennoying D last night. And look who is at the table with us chewing at tabitha Titwich toy!
Hmm.. here is a video view.
Unfortunately Hannah was feeling restless the whole of yesterday and did a fair share of crying. Stopped when Lta Ennoying D is back... And then it continued. Did not have a smooth sleep through. Hope today will be different.
Ha!Ha! Father lost to son in the Words with Friends... Felt a little frustrated as the program accepted words like Jeu... and lots more. But looks like Sarge Wen AC is an old hand at this game with with strange word combinations.
Lta Ennoying D reported that there were two gunshots in the middle of the night, follwed by the unusual howling of the dogs... Hmm.. he said it could be police chasing after a criminal or some one playing with low grade fireworks.. Or it would be two successive car punctures!!!! Wait for the TV news... Today is Wednesday and the indianboyfriend GP is heading back to Singapore for two weeks....Getting a little used to Perth and think will miss thw wonderful spring climate. The only difference during this week we have to rely on Kin and Lta Ennoying D for more pics of Hannah!!!
Have a great mid week!