Wednesday, August 31, 2011

 Ha!Ha! Tuesday is Visit Hannah Day and here is a video clip of a happy sleeping baby!

And there are other great photo shots...

Hello There, says baby Hannah.
Come closer and I'll kiss you, says Hannah
Those monkey faces does not impress, says Hannah
Well as it was a holiday back in Singapore, we decided too to break fast and go for a treat. Lunch time was yu tuo mee fen at Bateman.... Taste just as good.

And this was followed by a delightful dinner. Meatballs stuffed with quail's eggs and dipped in an overhelming hot gravy.
And to top it up, it was kam chay shark soon for all.
No bones... just succulent soft meat.. Hmm. Better not go swimming at the beach .. there may be bao zhou!!!!
And as promised the video of the two wild ducks with their brood of ducklings. Family is doing well and unharmed... Wonder if the indianboyfriend should bring some bread to feed them today!!!
Today is Wednesday. Perth is voted the 8th most liveable city in the world with Melbourne being number one. Sydney and Aledaide all made it to the top ten... Wonder why they exclude Singapore with the chilli crab! And of the top safest airlines in the world, Singapore Airlines was nowhere to be seen!!! Back in Singapore President Nathan will be sadly vacating the Istana. He said the first time he will do is to go to the kopi tiam and eat an half boiled egg! Wonder if it will be Ya Koon!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wild Life Surprise

Ha!Ha! Was jogging the other day and saw a pair of wild ducks tending a brood of about 6 chicks right on the side pavement! Mother and Father were following them closely. Looks like their nest is the adjacent field. Wonder if the babies will survive as there are cats and dogs around. Will get a video shot if the indianboyfriend see them again today.
Here is a better pic of the fish taken by Kaledoscop3.

Ha!Ha! The pic makes the fish look bigger! Singapore News.. today is Hari Raya in Singapore so it is a public holiday. It was said that Tan Kin Lian has a poor showing because he blinked too much and had too many Hi Fi!!!! If you missed the election, here is an entertaining parody.
Uncle B was kind to us yesterday and hope he will continue to do so. The Food Court is opened there but the choice is rather limited. The good think is if your are in  Uncle's club, you get 20%.

The evening ended with a Fried Chicken treat at Vons at Vic Park.
They have a variety of chicken wings - the wet and fried ones. Verdict? Well quite okay but not fantastic. Watch out if you are asking for chilli sauce. They cost $1.50 per mini pack!!!

Last night, Dr Justin left for Kargoolie. He took a train there and will be at the gold mining town for one month.. actually it is a town off Kargoorlie. He says he has been alloted a big house with four rooms. Any takers to visit?When he returns, watch his may see a set of gold teeth!
Today is Tuesday and it is Hannah visitation day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Shucks! Look what I've caught!

Ha!Ha! Yesterday the indianboyfriend went fishing organized by Kaledoscop3 AK, and he landed the first fish - a pink Snapper! Mybakuteh worked on it immediately and last night we had the freshest steamed fish cooked thai style with sour sauce!

And these are the benficiaries of the catch and cook!

This is the fish before it hit the pot... a nice pinkie!!!

And it is not one, but two pinkies... actually it was three but the third one was a little undersized and had to be thrown back. Talking about throw back the captain had an ingenious way of releasing the fish. He took a small jew fish and hooked it on a reverse hook attached to a plumb line. Then he threw it in. When the weight at the end of the plumb line hit the bottom, he gave a tug and the hook came off the the fish released to the depths. Reason is if it is thrown back, it will float on the surface and die!!! Talk about efforts in conservation!

Ha!Ha!Shucks, The indianboyfriend GP caught a small shark. He is holding the fin... shark fin soup!!! Mybakuteh says it will be kam chai shark meat.. like what they sell at the Chai Png stall.
You can see the shark before it is cut up. When the fish is brought up by a gaff, the man stabbed the head with a knife to kill it. The indianboyfriend learned last night how hard it was to slice a shark... very tough skin!

And this is a section of the cut shark meat - photo credit to Kaledoscop3 AK!

Ha!Ha! A pinkie landed by the indianboyfriend. Looks small but it is largely than the eye sees ( as all fisherman will claim)
This is a video to have an appreciation on what goes on the boat. Unfortunately it was a choppy day and the indianboyfriend GP dui lian in another way. He was the only person to puke on board. You see, he thought he learned his lesson over the last trip when he missed his brekky muffin and lunch because he was took consumed with the fishing. So this time, he ate up the muffin and was first to eat lunch. Then after lunch what went in came out!! Very dui lian.
The ingredients of a successful fishing trip is to have a good scooporn spotter ( Kaledoscop3 AK), a good Fisherman ( preferably who does not puke), a good cook ( mybakuteh GM) and fish appreciaters ( everyone) !

There was a treat on the way home. We saw a whale frolicking nearby and the captain stooped by to watch it. Two for the price of one.
The indianboyfriend was not the only casualty last weekend. Sarge Wen AC went to City to Surf and after 10 km, he came back with back and knee pains!!! Back in Singapore, the Straits Times carried out an online poll to ask if the presidential candidates went into GE, who will they vote. The lowest two are Tony Tan and Tan Kin Lian!!!!
 Today is Monday and start of another blessed week ( visiting Uncle B)!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Elections Results

Tony Tan is now the new President of Singapore and the Princess is Hannah! He narrowly win it over Tan Chin Bok over 7,000 votes. The other two were miles apart with Kin Lian having the least.
But Princess Hannah had an overwhelming Man Yue yesterday.
A sweet ( really sweet) surabaya cake for Hannah and there were lots of food. Lta Ennoying bbqed but had to practice restraint as he was on the 40 hour famine.
Here is a nice video of the one month old princess.
Ha!Ha! The house was packed with friends and babies and a pram parking space was created.
You can see the great grandma eating heartily during the celebrations.
And here is Hannah calling Ah Chek!
And the happiest were of course the Mother and Father. And here is a pic of the busy ( but hungry) Father!
There is some amusement at the gardern. The grass now offer grass massage for Ashley who can be trained to do this. Just say "sit" and when she is proned say "come her" and she will do the leopard crawl!
Today is Sunday. The next voting is for the indianboyfriend GP. Will he come back victorious or dui lian??? Ha! Ha!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Man Yue Hannah!

Ha!Ha! Today is THE DAY - the Man Yue ( full month) for little Hannah.
Happy Birthday from all of us!!!!
And before this big day, Hannah Visited Beatty Avenue yesterday. There was of course the big mother-dog reunion!
Here are some exclusive pics of Hannah at Vic Park!
Sleeping as usual but it's the peek-a-boo sleep you will see the video below.
There was of course some yawning and stretching. Look at his video of the emotional mother and dog reunion!
And this is a clip where Justin Ah Pek wanted to sayang Hannah also. Also note the pee-a-boo Hannah Sleep!
Today is the big celebration at Osten Drive. In the evening, there will be the live results of the Presidential election in Singapore. And Tomorrow... Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend GP's deep sea fishing. Hope the weather will hold when out at sea! And more important the fish will bite.
We all oversleep on Weekends and even Justin has got the hang of it. This morning he was no longer waiting at the bedroom door. When the indianboyfriend GP popped out of the room, there he was on the sofa with his head resting on the arm rest, wagging his tail!!!!Guess he is beginning to be up with his tricks again. Yesterday morning, when mybakuteh GM left the sliding door open to water the plant, he sneaked out and ban sia!!!! Maybe he got the osten drive syndrome!!! Sarge Wen AC is thinking of bring him to City to Surf.. wonder how many pooh bags he has to bring for the 10 km walk!!!! Ha!Ha! Have a great weekend

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lau hong Balloon

Ha! Ha! Ah Pek's balloon lau hong ( zhu zi) but he does not mind and keep on playing!!!
Talking about Ah Pek, he has now absolute control of the sofa as his bed. We gave up the barricade as he only needs to jump in. But this clever fellow waits patiently for mybakuteh to wake up to get his treat ie in additional to the brekky the indianboyfriend GP gave him. Once you feed him, he becomes bo hiew and change loyalty to get more food!

It was only sometime ago that mybakuteh GM got the indianboyfriend GP to stick a cut branch into the ground in front of the house. This cannot die plant blossom and now is flowering! The wonders of winter rain!
Today if Friday and this will be a busy weekend. There's the presidential election in Singapore and the Man Yue for Baby Hannah. Then on Sunday Sarge Wen AC is going for the City to Surf ( told me he may have just to walk instead of run due to lack of training) and aha!! Kaledoscop3 AK is taking the indianboyfriend GP deep sea fishing. Hope it will not be a dui lian affair again!!! If so maybe can get some dong jing fish!!!!
Vote Wisely! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hannah Greets Ko Poh!

Ha!Ha! Ko Poh has a birthday gift delivered to her office yesterday! And look at the card  carefully - Hannah's name is there! Ko Poh sms - Thank you Hannah!!!!

Hannah is now the accredited VIP Rider in our Mitshibishi ASX! Her
life long ridership is etched in the rear windscreen! Ha!Ha! There are more VIP riderships to be given away!

Thanks to the entertainment book we could buy one and get one free at red rooster. Tried to drive in but it is really slow - faster to park and purchase from the counter for sure!
Alamat! No more yellow yellow for $2. The durians at Woolies are $6 per kilo and the durians do not look very yellow yellow!
Mybakuteh supported the Cook a Pot of Curry by making curry puffs. And here they are crisp brown double the size if the ione Sarge Wen AC bought from Kong's!
Today is the last day of the Presidential elections rally. Tan Kin Lian lined up 15 speakers for his rally and finally got onlu 3 minutes to speak! Maybe it was deliberate! Garuda News... it was alleged in their interviews for Korean setwardesses, the girls were made to stripped to their panties. The interviewers then pressed the boobs to check for inplants which they say are flight hazards! Wondered why passengers have not been checked so far!
Sat is aspicious - Hannah's Man Yue and Singapore Presidential election. Wonder if Singapore Pools has set up any betting odds!!!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Ko Poh!!!

Ha!Ha! Happy Birthday Kao Poh!!!! Lee's birthday is on 24th like most of the family members - Kelidoscop3 is 24 AK, Sarge Wen AC is 24. so 24 plus 3 equal to 27 which is Hannah's birthday!!

Rub a rub a rub, Three dogs in a Tub! It was the grand bath yesterday as the Dog Bath man went to Langford.
First was Justin, then it was Pirate.
Then little Ashley!
This hydro dog man is not as good as the last one. Came one hour late and did not do any manicure!

Justin returns to Langford for the grass opening ceremony. Disgustingly, he dashed into the garden and pee into the fence. Then as expected, pooed a large heap over the grass. Now he has claimed his territory! And no blog is complete without princess Hannah.
Here she is in her deep sleep after the lunch feed. Ha!Ha! Sleep in heavenly peace. Finally got to Spudshed and bought the biggest orange yet!
Ha!Ha! Gave half to mybakuteh GM and spoiled her evening plans for a Magmum. It was just too filling!!! Back home there was a report of a rottweiller who was temporarily unmuzzled for a drink. The dog flew at a nearby terrier and killed it on the spot! Wonder why Singapore does not ban such dogs anymore. Like allowing piranhas to breed on our lakes!
World news.. What is this world coming to? The case against the former IMG chief has all charges dropped even the forensic evidence showed clearly the spilled Semen DNA matched the man's. They contented it was consensal - a chambermaid and a IMF chief????
Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Man Yue!

Ha!Ha! Time flies and Hannah will be ONE month old this Saturday. The Man Yue lunch will have a double attraction: number one the Baby and second the new lawn!!!! Doesn't Hannah look sweet in that lovely blouse?
Here is another video clip where Hannah is saying " Whooo.. it's going to be a great party for me! (Notice the shaking foot behind her.. it belongs to the Daddy!)
Today is an auspicious Day for Justin Ah Pek. It's bath day and back to Langford! Back in Singapore there is signage circulating in the internet asking people to vote the right Tan --- with pictures of the four presidential hopefuls and a pic of an Orang Utan!!! Garmen also reported crime rate has fallen but it is still 42 crimes a day last year.
Ha!Ha! It's chee cheong fun brekky today and look who popped in ( and excited Justin ) for brekky! Kaledoscop3!!!!
Looks like the weather is becoming more bearable. It will be a busy weekend. Sarge Wen AC is city to surf and Kaledoscop3 is bringing the indianboyfriend GP deep sea fishing - Ha!Ha! Hope it will not be tiu lian affair!
Have a great day!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't bore Me

Ha!Ha! If you talk to Hannah, make sure your story is interesting or
( Yawn) she will fall asleep!

Here are more pics of Hannah. This is a lovely one of her wide awake just before her afternoon nap.

It was a battle to get keep her awake after her feed yesterday.. those beautiful eyes just want to close!

 Hannah's sleeping strategy - eyes close, mouth open!!!

Yesterday was Cook a Curry yesterday which went well in Singapore. In Perth it was cook a Kuay Chap. And it was an authentic Kuay Chap Dinner with crisp chai buay and soft juicy pork belly.
And who are the beneficiaries of this Mybakuteh GM prepared meal?
Kaledoscop3 AK returned yesterday evening to be greeted by the stormy rain. It was one of the more heavy downpours this winter. Wonder how this will affect Lta Ennoying's new artificial garden. Here is a pic before the rain.
Pirate is plotting how to dig up the grass! We tested the grass and it feels like natural grass. Don't think you can tell the difference if you are not told it's artificial. Wonder if they make artificial dogs!!!
Today is Monday and it's Uncle B visitation day. The storm disconnected the internet, hence the late posting ( and early visit to Uncle B). Have decided no more jogging for Ah Pek Justin and he looked too exhausted yesterday after the run. Don't want him to have a heart seizure for sure.
Have a great week!