Monday, August 8, 2011

The Singapore Hawker Centre

Ha!Ha! This is the tissue prata and it is not Thomson road prata shop. It's Spenser Village in Perth! You can get about any Asian food here! Lta Ennoying D and his church friends just ate big pao, chai tow kway and chicken rice for lunch!

The indianboyfriend ordered mee siam
Xia ba kuai
Yao jiu kuai
Ni shuo qi kuai, bu qi kuai!
Hmm the signage says $8 for the Mee Siam and was charged $9/-. Wondered why?
No blog is completed without baby Hannah. Here she is in the car seat.
As usual, she sleeps through the car ride. And here is another video of Hannah. This shows her crying side!
But overall, she is a good Baby. Does cry once in a while but soon stop and go back to sleep. And as for the dogs, the sun sets on harmony. Look at them cleverly cuddled up on the warm mattress. And it is only 8 pm!

Today is Monday and the start of another week. Make it a great Monday!

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