Monday, August 29, 2011

Shucks! Look what I've caught!

Ha!Ha! Yesterday the indianboyfriend went fishing organized by Kaledoscop3 AK, and he landed the first fish - a pink Snapper! Mybakuteh worked on it immediately and last night we had the freshest steamed fish cooked thai style with sour sauce!

And these are the benficiaries of the catch and cook!

This is the fish before it hit the pot... a nice pinkie!!!

And it is not one, but two pinkies... actually it was three but the third one was a little undersized and had to be thrown back. Talking about throw back the captain had an ingenious way of releasing the fish. He took a small jew fish and hooked it on a reverse hook attached to a plumb line. Then he threw it in. When the weight at the end of the plumb line hit the bottom, he gave a tug and the hook came off the the fish released to the depths. Reason is if it is thrown back, it will float on the surface and die!!! Talk about efforts in conservation!

Ha!Ha!Shucks, The indianboyfriend GP caught a small shark. He is holding the fin... shark fin soup!!! Mybakuteh says it will be kam chai shark meat.. like what they sell at the Chai Png stall.
You can see the shark before it is cut up. When the fish is brought up by a gaff, the man stabbed the head with a knife to kill it. The indianboyfriend learned last night how hard it was to slice a shark... very tough skin!

And this is a section of the cut shark meat - photo credit to Kaledoscop3 AK!

Ha!Ha! A pinkie landed by the indianboyfriend. Looks small but it is largely than the eye sees ( as all fisherman will claim)
This is a video to have an appreciation on what goes on the boat. Unfortunately it was a choppy day and the indianboyfriend GP dui lian in another way. He was the only person to puke on board. You see, he thought he learned his lesson over the last trip when he missed his brekky muffin and lunch because he was took consumed with the fishing. So this time, he ate up the muffin and was first to eat lunch. Then after lunch what went in came out!! Very dui lian.
The ingredients of a successful fishing trip is to have a good scooporn spotter ( Kaledoscop3 AK), a good Fisherman ( preferably who does not puke), a good cook ( mybakuteh GM) and fish appreciaters ( everyone) !

There was a treat on the way home. We saw a whale frolicking nearby and the captain stooped by to watch it. Two for the price of one.
The indianboyfriend was not the only casualty last weekend. Sarge Wen AC went to City to Surf and after 10 km, he came back with back and knee pains!!! Back in Singapore, the Straits Times carried out an online poll to ask if the presidential candidates went into GE, who will they vote. The lowest two are Tony Tan and Tan Kin Lian!!!!
 Today is Monday and start of another blessed week ( visiting Uncle B)!

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