Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Man Yue!

Ha!Ha! Time flies and Hannah will be ONE month old this Saturday. The Man Yue lunch will have a double attraction: number one the Baby and second the new lawn!!!! Doesn't Hannah look sweet in that lovely blouse?
Here is another video clip where Hannah is saying " Whooo.. it's going to be a great party for me! (Notice the shaking foot behind her.. it belongs to the Daddy!)
Today is an auspicious Day for Justin Ah Pek. It's bath day and back to Langford! Back in Singapore there is signage circulating in the internet asking people to vote the right Tan --- with pictures of the four presidential hopefuls and a pic of an Orang Utan!!! Garmen also reported crime rate has fallen but it is still 42 crimes a day last year.
Ha!Ha! It's chee cheong fun brekky today and look who popped in ( and excited Justin ) for brekky! Kaledoscop3!!!!
Looks like the weather is becoming more bearable. It will be a busy weekend. Sarge Wen AC is city to surf and Kaledoscop3 is bringing the indianboyfriend GP deep sea fishing - Ha!Ha! Hope it will not be tiu lian affair!
Have a great day!

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