Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't bore Me

Ha!Ha! If you talk to Hannah, make sure your story is interesting or
( Yawn) she will fall asleep!

Here are more pics of Hannah. This is a lovely one of her wide awake just before her afternoon nap.

It was a battle to get keep her awake after her feed yesterday.. those beautiful eyes just want to close!

 Hannah's sleeping strategy - eyes close, mouth open!!!

Yesterday was Cook a Curry yesterday which went well in Singapore. In Perth it was cook a Kuay Chap. And it was an authentic Kuay Chap Dinner with crisp chai buay and soft juicy pork belly.
And who are the beneficiaries of this Mybakuteh GM prepared meal?
Kaledoscop3 AK returned yesterday evening to be greeted by the stormy rain. It was one of the more heavy downpours this winter. Wonder how this will affect Lta Ennoying's new artificial garden. Here is a pic before the rain.
Pirate is plotting how to dig up the grass! We tested the grass and it feels like natural grass. Don't think you can tell the difference if you are not told it's artificial. Wonder if they make artificial dogs!!!
Today is Monday and it's Uncle B visitation day. The storm disconnected the internet, hence the late posting ( and early visit to Uncle B). Have decided no more jogging for Ah Pek Justin and he looked too exhausted yesterday after the run. Don't want him to have a heart seizure for sure.
Have a great week!

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