Friday, August 26, 2011

Lau hong Balloon

Ha! Ha! Ah Pek's balloon lau hong ( zhu zi) but he does not mind and keep on playing!!!
Talking about Ah Pek, he has now absolute control of the sofa as his bed. We gave up the barricade as he only needs to jump in. But this clever fellow waits patiently for mybakuteh to wake up to get his treat ie in additional to the brekky the indianboyfriend GP gave him. Once you feed him, he becomes bo hiew and change loyalty to get more food!

It was only sometime ago that mybakuteh GM got the indianboyfriend GP to stick a cut branch into the ground in front of the house. This cannot die plant blossom and now is flowering! The wonders of winter rain!
Today if Friday and this will be a busy weekend. There's the presidential election in Singapore and the Man Yue for Baby Hannah. Then on Sunday Sarge Wen AC is going for the City to Surf ( told me he may have just to walk instead of run due to lack of training) and aha!! Kaledoscop3 AK is taking the indianboyfriend GP deep sea fishing. Hope it will not be a dui lian affair again!!! If so maybe can get some dong jing fish!!!!
Vote Wisely! 

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