Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hannah Greets Ko Poh!

Ha!Ha! Ko Poh has a birthday gift delivered to her office yesterday! And look at the card  carefully - Hannah's name is there! Ko Poh sms - Thank you Hannah!!!!

Hannah is now the accredited VIP Rider in our Mitshibishi ASX! Her
life long ridership is etched in the rear windscreen! Ha!Ha! There are more VIP riderships to be given away!

Thanks to the entertainment book we could buy one and get one free at red rooster. Tried to drive in but it is really slow - faster to park and purchase from the counter for sure!
Alamat! No more yellow yellow for $2. The durians at Woolies are $6 per kilo and the durians do not look very yellow yellow!
Mybakuteh supported the Cook a Pot of Curry by making curry puffs. And here they are crisp brown double the size if the ione Sarge Wen AC bought from Kong's!
Today is the last day of the Presidential elections rally. Tan Kin Lian lined up 15 speakers for his rally and finally got onlu 3 minutes to speak! Maybe it was deliberate! Garuda News... it was alleged in their interviews for Korean setwardesses, the girls were made to stripped to their panties. The interviewers then pressed the boobs to check for inplants which they say are flight hazards! Wondered why passengers have not been checked so far!
Sat is aspicious - Hannah's Man Yue and Singapore Presidential election. Wonder if Singapore Pools has set up any betting odds!!!
Have a great day!

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