Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hannah's Peep-A-Boo Sleep

Ha! Ha! Yesterday was visit Hannah Day... And she was sleeping.. well it's the peek-a-boo sleep or Tao Kua ( doi kan) sleep!

And more pics of the real sleep!

The good news we heard was she has put on another 100 grams over the last two days, gearing up for the Mun Yue Day!
And what is this? Good Fortune Duck and siew yoke! And the one who belanja is Dr Justin Chok! He just got an offer from Perth Royal Hospital for internship for Jan next year! A good package too, he said! Well done and congratulations!

And we are the beneficfiaries... muching away at the wonderful juicy pieces..

Today is Tuesday and Justin is coming back to Beatty Avenue... Hope he has discarded his boss-is-away trick... Hmm after several viewings of Ceasar Milan, think he will not stand a chance!!!!

It was a windy day yesterday and there were reports of falling objects and airplanes turn turtle. It will be rainy today. Back in Singapore a Chinese company ordered a dinner banquet for 88 tables and there were not a single human guest. Why? Real food was offered to the hungry and wandering ghosts!!!A real contradition with the famine now in the horn of Africa! Garmen is increasing housing limit to $10K per family even for elderly flats. And building 8000 more flats by Nov!
Have a great Day!

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