Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wild Life Surprise

Ha!Ha! Was jogging the other day and saw a pair of wild ducks tending a brood of about 6 chicks right on the side pavement! Mother and Father were following them closely. Looks like their nest is the adjacent field. Wonder if the babies will survive as there are cats and dogs around. Will get a video shot if the indianboyfriend see them again today.
Here is a better pic of the fish taken by Kaledoscop3.

Ha!Ha! The pic makes the fish look bigger! Singapore News.. today is Hari Raya in Singapore so it is a public holiday. It was said that Tan Kin Lian has a poor showing because he blinked too much and had too many Hi Fi!!!! If you missed the election, here is an entertaining parody.
Uncle B was kind to us yesterday and hope he will continue to do so. The Food Court is opened there but the choice is rather limited. The good think is if your are in  Uncle's club, you get 20%.

The evening ended with a Fried Chicken treat at Vons at Vic Park.
They have a variety of chicken wings - the wet and fried ones. Verdict? Well quite okay but not fantastic. Watch out if you are asking for chilli sauce. They cost $1.50 per mini pack!!!

Last night, Dr Justin left for Kargoolie. He took a train there and will be at the gold mining town for one month.. actually it is a town off Kargoorlie. He says he has been alloted a big house with four rooms. Any takers to visit?When he returns, watch his smile...you may see a set of gold teeth!
Today is Tuesday and it is Hannah visitation day!

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