Friday, August 12, 2011

Floundering Around..

Look what mybakuteh GM bought for dinner. A nice flounder with two eyes on top! And what better meal to have on a cold winter's night than Kam Chay Soup....
The soup is spicy and Kiam Chay not salty. Mybakuteh GM says that chay buay is on the way.

Guess what this contraption is? Ha!Ha! It is not an egg beater.... Nope not a plate holder.... Where it is what that will destress you! It's Sarge Wen AC's head massager!!! Gives you a tinkling sensation as you move it up and down the head! Ha!Ha! Went to Carousel to print a photo and was recommended Rabbit Photo by Sarge Wen AC. But couldn't find the shop and was told later that Rabbit has closed down. So went to K Mart instead. They had a funny deal. If instant photo, it is $9. If you collect one hour later, it is $8 and if two hours, $7. Wonder why the price difference, when the photo is printed out immediately anyway!
National Day is not over until PM's speech which is on Sunday. You can view it live over the internet but be forewarned it is 3 hours long. The indianboyfriend has never missed any since time memorial.. from Father to Son!!!! Local news.. a taxi drunk who was partially drunk feel asleep at the traffice light. When awoken, he started his car and collided into two vehicles!! A new twist to the Robinson Road fire.. a man has been arrested for the murder of the burnt lady!!! Today is Friday and it's weekend again! Enjoy!

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