Saturday, August 20, 2011

See Pretty Tongue Sleep

Another exclusive Hannah video Clip  on "See my tongue" Sleep!
And now for the best Hokkien Mee in Perth. Why is it so good?
Has Srage Wen AC Lime anything to do with it?
And it was another dinner feast last night.

Best on the table was the fried chicken wings... and the hot lemon chilli to go with. And no dinner is complete until Magnum is served... So Sarge Wen AC sneaked out and bought for everyone.
But alamak, cannot enter contest for the Maldive trip. Sarge Wen AC did not keep the receipt which is needed to claim the prize. So remember to keep your receive. News last night said that dogs are now able to smell and detect cancer of the lungs! Ayah.. Justin is even smarter. Can sniff the ice cream stick in Sarge Wen AC's waste paper basket  and sneaked in to licked it when he was at work. In fact today he attacked the empty magmum box!
Back at Beatty, the flowers are blooming. The tiny plant is now blooming like never before and we have to start pruning very soon!
The one at Kaledoscop3 place has grown to be a monster plant as high as the indianboyfriend GP himself.
Today is Saturday - Have a Great Day!

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