Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hannah asleep...

Here is a pic of Hannah sleeping last night peacefully with her lamb.
Another pic of the deep sleep. Dr says she is well developed compared with other babies of her age as her body motions are strong and vibrant! Hmm.. may grow up to be a Muay Thai kick boxer!!!
And look who is now a resident of 6101!
Justin Ah Pek... in his winter coat...Learned he jumped up the sofa last night despite our barricade.

Here is Justin snuggled up next to the TV and heater. Well mornings will never be the same for the indianboyfriend GP now. Here is a video clip of the morning walk at 6.30 am but we have censored the crucial moments!
Ha!Ha! Kaledoscop3 AK landed safely at Melbourne this morning at 6 am and was lucky to have the room ready to check in to sleep! Hmm they are now gallavanting around the city!
Today is Wednesday and it will be a fine sunny day. Enjoy!

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