Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ha!Ha! Langford Population is will be still rising!

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend GP is bacl today and will move to Langford on Thursday. This means two plus one more head count for the suburb!
Meanwhile met up with Ko Po yesterday to collect the Ah Di VCD. She brought the indianboyfriend GP to another famous Ba Cho mee at New Bridge Road. Well the verdict is 6, still below No 4, despite it being in Lesley's book. In world news everything is down.. sales of tickets for China crash speed train is down by 30%, the Dow Jones is down despite resolution of the debt deadlock, and rains flooded Manila. Also in Perth the winning age for Australia got Talent is down as the 14 year old Jack walks away with $250K. Oh yes, the Indianboyfriend GP will be down in Perth too! Ha!Ha!

This blog is now created in the upgraded broadband, hence can upload videos too! Listen to the voice of Ko Po talking to Hannah!
It will be short day in Singapore today. Brekky, a swim and then to airport.
Back to the cold winter again

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