Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hannah has a lIttle Lamb

Ha!Ha! The latest picture of the Half month old dear Hannah. As always the princess is sleeping sweetly.
Meanwhile the machines are churning at Beatty Avenue as mybakuteh GM whipped out her faithful sewie to do some quick jobs.
Yesterday the telco chu ang tua, man. The indianboyfriend GP went to Rutland road to show some identification for Sarge Wen AC but did not heard clearly the purpose. He remembered Sarge Wen AC sent his car for repairs so he looked for a repair shop based on the house number. Then he went to the wrong place and was directed to a nearby repair show. What is the name of your  insurance? Don't know. The day you brought your car in. Don't know. Is the car here. The man said don't know but gave a card saying he is happy to repair my car is needed be. Then I remembered he said a shipment is coming. And the indianboyfriend GP saw TNT office. Hey Presto, go the parcel back. The anger part is when the indianboyfriend GP tried to call Sarge Wen AC for clarification, my calls were barred because the indianboyfriend GP forgotten to pay! Very fierce man. And this morning send another SMS saying to pay up!! Let's talk about more pleasant things. Like Kaledoscop3 blooming garden.

Look at the chilly plant. Talking about chilly plants the lime tree at Beatty is teeming with fruits. Mybakuteh GM said she might cook mee siam this weekend and consult Siany on her secret recipe!
Local news... fire in Robinson road office killed a woman who was burned to death. And look who pop in for Brekky this morning!
Look at the lemons and you know it's Kaledoscop3 AK! Telepathy tells her about the intended mee siam meal!
Ha!Ha! Telstra man came this morning and fixed up the land line, Imagine paying for a phone that did not work for ages. Problem was with the street line. Now it is working with a corded phone so no more internet sizzling interference! Ha!Ha! a good day to visit Hannah and her Lamb!

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