Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alamak everything change so fast!

It was drizzling in the morning when we went downstairs for breakfast ( Kaledoscop3 sms it was raining hail on her way to work!). The coffee shop at the end was under new management. And what a management! Our favourite mee shop was booted out and the price of the new mee was $2.80 now and it tasted the worse off! Our first task was to seek out the durians but when bo hie, hei was okay. We went for the bananas. Kaledoscop3 bought a bunch for $4 ringgit but we got one here for $1.20!!!
Mybakuteh went to Chong Pang and perm her hair. Wait for photos soon!
Had lunch with Halt Chor who was not feeling too well lately. See the bowl of kuay tiao? She only ate half. The excited Ko Po asked 101 questions about Hannah. Well time flies in hot Singapore and it was back to swimming. Read a pile of letters and the key action was to pay the bills. Got a letter from the presidential hopeful Tan Chin Bok.
Today is Wednesday and it is mid week. Enjoy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hippo Hurray!!!!!

Ha!Ha! It was the celebration for Sarge Wen AC last night. Kaledoscop3 AK improvised a Crispy Creame combination dounut cake with sparklers on top which proved a hit. Everyone ate the donuts under the pretense of tasting for its flavour until there was only one left to bring home for Hannah!

And the Video cliop release of the "Birthday Song" - possible now with the indianboyfriend upgraded broadband! ( Ha! Ha! now the challenge is to upgrade it again to adsl wireless for the ipad!). Now go back to the first pic and look at the empty skewer stick and look at the before pic below.
500 kg all eaten up in one evening!And there is more! Happily at the last moment Lta Ennoying could make it and this is what he ordered and finished!

At this hippo Creek african grill restaurant if you order the 2 kg steak for $100 and eat it all up, they will refund you $50 and take a pic of you and hang up at the restaurant! And Hannah as usual slept through the celebration.

As it was upstairs, Lta Ennoying had to carry the stroller up the long flight of steps... with Hannah sleeping through it both way up and down. She only wake up momentarily at the car park when she was transfered to the car seat.
Birthday are celebrated best with your loved ones  and family.
And here is the failed smuggler of Singapore Hokkien Mee and Mee Pok, resigning to the easier task of eating steak. There are two prices for steak here- grass fed and cereal fed cows!

And this is the upstairs family meal, including dear Hannah.  Looks like it was a mix up night as all the meat orders were grilled to the wrong cook. Those who want it blu and bloody got it over cooked and those who want it well done it is medium.
We had to return the meat as they cost $40 per plate!
Despite everything, we all agreed it was a wonderful celebration at the very scenic Hillarys harbour.
The Birthday Boy has written off this place and will now only consider the Hippo Creek at Subi! The day ended with two ang pows - one from Lta Ennoying D and the other Halt Chor ( by proxy) KP!
We are now in sunny Singapore in our T shirt and shorts. No more socks to wear and no jumpers! Mybakuteh GM went to Chong Pang and is now mei nu as she got her hair all permed! And we found our cockroach trapped bagged a lizard instead! We will miss watching Sarge Wen AC gobbling down his eggs and bake beans every morning and the Hannah visits! Grow Big, Big Hannah for Gong2 and Ma2!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back to Singapore

Ha!Ha! It's time to return to Sunny Singapore tonight! This trip has been memorable as it is the longest stay for the indianboyfriend so far. It is the first longest winter experience wearing socks the whole night! There were great moments too. The most momentous was the birth of baby Hannah who showed the indianboyfriend GP mian sze  by  being born before he took a once week return to Singapore. Of the next momentous event is Hannah's Man Yue!
Then we are here to celebrate Sarge Wen AC's birthday. Here is a pic of the one year wiser young man.
The other event is the deep sea fishing trip where the indianboyfriend exchanged his puke for three sizeable fish! And the wonderful meaty Kam Chai Shark soup. Then there were the little humble renovations we did  at Beatty Avenue - the IKEA lights, the plumbing, the little garden patching and trimming. No forgetting the wonder Bee Blinds. Oh yes, the indianboyfriend's tai quo fen three day bday celebration and the awesome Ipad pressie, followed by the supplementary ipad stand and ipad pen! The  pressie comes with free personal awesome instruction from Sarge Wen AC and Lta Ennoying D!William wordsworth in this poem I wandered lonely as a cloud was surprised by the daffodills he saw. The indianboyfriend was conntually surprised by the brood of duckling he saw jogging everyday.
When he is back in Singapore he will be wondering if the birds have developed wings and fly away. More than this we will be thinking of the growing of Hannah and how grown up she will be when we are back in a month's time!She's 4.3 kg- could it be 8 kg!!!!!
We also stayed with Hannah briefly and Lta Ennoying was kind enough to put a LCD TV in our room to watch at night!
Justin has been the boldest this trip as he smashed and drank olive oil and fish sauce. We dished out the most severe punishment ever by sending him back immediately. We saw also Lta Ennoying backyard transformed into a greenery although he is now subject to a daily picking and washing routine.

Yesterday Uncle B wrote us a sad letter saying he missed us and is giving the indianboyfriend some starter. He also said he is preparing free fish and chips on that day. Being compassionate we went to see him and he was kind to give us a little something. During the visit we got to understand Uncle B a little more and found him more interesting than we had earlier thought. But some how besides him being so nice, we are very wary of him.
Ren is back and tried to bring in hokkien mee from KL to add to Sarge Wen's Bday  feast but it was not a happy ending.
Fu jian mian mai
Mee pok gan mai
Hai Quan bu quo
ni shuo qi kuai
bu qi kuai!
And Perth news... The eagles did not make it. Just like the Singapore soccer team - full of hopes but when play China and Iraq, they crashed...Like what Sarge Wen AC says, Don't know how they got so far!!!!
We are now more suspicious in what we see after watching so many episodes of CSI, SVU and Criminal Minds. That was how we knew Justin did not mess up our bed when Sarge Wen AC tried to play a prank on us.
But we will not see the Renovators to its conclusion or see the start of Junior Masterchef! And the very witty daily Project 7 pm.Guess it is back to the 796 episode of Ai!
All things now start and end with Hannah so here is a pic and a video clip to warm your hearts.

(Can you see Justin in the background unimpressed?)
Ha!Ha! It was great being in Perth, especially being with your wonderful family. Sadly we have to go back and eat the No 4 Mee and slurp up the yellow yellow durians! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Sarge Wen AC!

Ha!Ha! Happy Birthday Sarge Wen AC! When he woke up, he rushed to the Kitchen to prepare the Maggie noodles.
It is his diet day off! And Also his birthday! But it looks like the tah mee has priority over the taste of the cake!
Here is the video clip ( taken via Ipad) of his birthday cake cutting. The novice indianboyfriend GP apologises as he does not know how to rotate it!
You tan Kao
Chi Mian kuai
Ni shuo qi kuai bu chi kuai
Then it is pressie time
Whether it is qi kuai or not, all the best for a successful, fruitful, healthy ( lose more weight) and happy year ahead.
Sarge Wen AC, you ROCK!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hannah goes Kai Kai

What a hectic day for Hannah (and Mother) yesterday! Hannah got her first jabs but was very brave. Two jabs and one oral. Reward? Kai Kai. Went to Spenser Village and the Indianboyfriend ate what Kin recommended as the most authentic indian née goreng. and it was. It even had sliced cucumber and ketchup
Then it was Big W and then Freo to get washable pampers nappy. No more cloth and safety pins! Then photo shots. The pic in the pram is the Kai Kai pic. And wherever you are Hannah is keeping an eye on you. Last night had the second baked chicken. This one had great sauce and stuffing. The chill was go good that it sent the dogs drooling.
Time flies and we are returning to Beatty Ave to pack for our Sunday flight . Checked in luggage came to 20.8 kg! Ha! Ha! Tomorrow is a special day for sure!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleep in heavenly peace

Ha! Ha! Baby Hannah is resting contentedly on the bed. Daddy Lta Ennoying says she is looking at the video screen.
Wah, got supplement pressies! First I-pad. Now iPad cover from Sarge Wen AC! Then that is not all. Got iPad pen from Lta Ennoying D. Good timing as finger tip is now all corned up!
Meanwhile back at Beatty Avenue, the Renovator's bug has caught on. Look at the new plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen.
And we are now at Langford enjoying a delicious baked chicken for dinner. And the artificial garden still looks good tho it needed daily watering! Yep not to grow the plastic but to wash away the remnants of three greedy dog's daily output! Believe me, it's about a kg per picking!
And what happened to Ah Pek? He is now the head of the dog garmen in exile. Now have to queue for his food like every dog else!
But he also no care. You can point and shoot bang him as many times as you want but he will just stand there.
By the way if the layout is different today, it is because it is published from my iPad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gong 2 you so smart!!!

Gong2 you so smart one!!!!

And what is Gong2 so smart about? The putty of course. He fixed the hole on the ceiling. Even Sarge Wen AC said the indianboyfriend is so smart... and twice some more! Judge for yourself!
Went shopping yesterday and mybakuteh GM saw the bread she LONGed for!
The other is shorter because we have crunched it away this morning- not Sarge Wen AC - he is still on the NO carb diet- just look longingly at the long bread!
But he could down these pieces of chook as they come already seasoned from the supermarket.
Today is Hannah visit and stay day! Hope the plumber will come early.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Master Teo came to Perth

Ha!Ha! Mr Teo came to Perth  with his baby boy and visited mybakuteh.
The baby's name is Teo tiam poh... Ha!Ha! Touch bay sai for Lotto west. Hmm... wonder if we can bring Grandpa Teo to visit Uncle B too!
At home the Ipad reigns! It is about the most friendly IT equipment the indianboyfriend have used and most of the apps in I Tune are free! Great for browsing as the pics are clear and fast. Got problem when returning back to Singapore as home got no wireless - only stick...If you see an Ah Pek standing outside Yishun Macdonald every morning, you know it's who!

Today is Putty day... After all the lessons from the Renovators, this should be a piece of cake. Ha!Ha! Talk big only.

Today is Tuesday and looks like more showers. Time to do some packing too. Enjoy the day!

Monday, September 19, 2011


In Singapore we call crayfish
Here bugs - wondered why
ni shuo qi kuai
bu qi kuai!
Well it was moreton bugs last night with compliments of Kaledoscop3 AK. And mybakuteh GM cooked it chilli crab style.. Yummy.. yummy. A far cry from the two bland bugs at Freo ( versus 10 last night) which cost $28!

Went to Woolies to shop and heng ah heng ah got free samples.
No bad.. a nice size shaving cream plus moisturizer!!!! By the way got Woolies apps downloaded on the laptop to look at the daily deals!!!
Today is Monday and need to look for Dr Tap to repair the plumbing the house! Looks like another big bill to come!!!
Last night was the big weigh in... Sarge Wen AC came in at 74.9 kg - a loss of 1.9 kg... hmm.. cannot beat Hannah yet at 4.3 kg...But the diet does work!  He suddenly reread his diet book and found it was LOW Carbo, not NO carbo. Reminded me of the story of the monk who cried while translating the biblical manuscript when it discovered the original text said celebrate and not celibate!!!
A a few errands to run today and it will be a busy day. Hope it will push out our visit to Uncle B!
Kaledoscop3 is gone to KL for the week! And the indianboyfriend GP and mybakuteh GM will be leaving for Singapore this Sunday!!! How time flies!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hmm.. talking about QC... Look at the mineral water we got... label pasted upside down....hmm. better not complain as got it free from Uncle B!!
This is the first time I have seen an orange tree since I came to Perth.
And the owner has green fingers..look at the lemon tree fruiting all over.
Ha!Ha! Today is Sunday and the indianboyfriend slept till 7 am... No Ah Pek to walk leh!!!Well it rained this morning and may be a wet day today. But it will be a great day. Start the day with this video from baby Hannah.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Midnight Surprise!

It was crispy creme doughnut for brekky this morning - thanks to the Midnight Surprise. Sainy returned from Sydney and was very thoughtful not only to think of us to buy the donuts but making the effort to come all the way to beatty avenue to deliver them! Guess they taste much better as they are donuts of kindness!!!!
And what about Hannah... no midnight surprises as she continued to sleep through from midnight to early morning missing a feed. And the good sleep each night means a more refreshed and alert Hannah. The proof is here.

I am watching you... wait till next year and I want to have a share in Ah Yee's donuts....
You don't believe what I say ar?... just wait!
But it was soon back to her forte... sleeping.
And here is an eyes wide alert video clip! Look at mybakuteh GM trying to find a spot to do a ear ring pierce!
And back to Ah Pek... All my bags are packed and I ready to go.. the car is waiting and blowing its horn...
Ha!Ha! No more Ah Pek looking at you at meal time. No more dog fur to complain about... and no more dog poo to pick!!!
And now the blanket's bare and we seem to see you there!!!!! Well do you think it is fair to send an ageing animal back because he jumped the kitchen and broke two bottles? After all an animal is an animal and has no moral sense. Hannah says it is not fair!
No fair, how can you not forgive my kor kor who taught me to stretch and open close my eyes???? Myabkuteh says to conduct a poll. Was it fair to send Ah Pek home?? Ha!Ha! Today is Saturday - have a great weekend.