Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alert at Beatty Avenue Salvation Army Depot

Had a texted message that Hannah was fussing the whole night. We quickly put out the basket at the doorstep and put on the high alert for our approved Salvation Army Collection Depot. Luckily there was no deposits so guess Hannah must have become calm again. This is the after fuss look in the morning. Still looks a little distraught and tired.
Ha!Ha! Watched Garden and Homes and the indianbboyfriend learned a few tricks on fixing an uneven pavement.
Guess what accumulated at the depression before the fixing? A bunch of Ah Pek's shedded fur!!! And after the job..
And since he was in the garden, it was also time to trim the overreaching creepers behind.
After these two jobs there were two Ah Peks at home. The human one fell into a afternoon slumber!!!
And what do we do with fishes that we caught? Well Kaledoscop3 AK made sashimi out of the skippy!
And we pulled out the Pinkie from our fridge and steamed the fish last night!
And what a fish it was. Well Ah Pek now seems to get the "bang and your are dead" trick pretty well. See how he performed under Mybakuteh GM this morning!
And as the Master Trainer Kaledoscop3 AK came for brekky this morning, she has to demonstrate how it should be done.
Ha!Ha! Still contemplating how to make him ring the bell. If fact, he now knows how to left his front paw to be wiped everything he returns from his walk without prompting!!!But he will not budge his hind legs - which may be better in case he gives a little squirt!
Today is Thursday and it is Hannah visitation day!!!!

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