Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shifts of Loyalty

Eversince Sarge Wen bought the sleeping mat for Ah Pek, he has stopped going up the other couch. Hmm..he was dog whisperer trained... Sit on the forbidden couch and act as if it was your territory. So Mybakuteh GM gave Ah Pek special treat each morning. One morning he had the indianboyfriend GP to give the treat to him but No, he will not follow him. He still clung to mybakuteh GM and followed her. In the end, the treat was handed to her to handle! Last few days don't know why so Kuai!
The best still has to be Hannah. And here is another video treat. As it is bathing clip, parental guidance is recommended.

Today is Hannah visiting morning. Back in Singapore, we lost 0-2 to Iraq and surely there were excuses again - we did not had a full team. Think got to face it that we were not quite World cup material yet after the win over Malaysia! Did not see the ten ducklings yesterday during jogging and hope they are okay! Ha!Ha! it is back to buying more free books from Kindle!!! The Kindle is cool.. has 3 G and has access when there is no Wi Fi!
Today is Mid Week. Have a great Day!

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