Monday, September 5, 2011

Best Father's Day

Ha!Ha! One generation celebration for two Dads! And a lovely maksy cake bought by Kaledoscop3 AK!
And the best part was the family coming together for the celebration.
And look at the food prepared by Lta Ennoying D!
Looks like they have provided for Monday's Lunch too! And there was Sarge Wen AC and Kaledoscop3 AK to help with the BBQing.
And to top it up, the hottest chilli in town for sure. Most of us got burnt and had the lingering hotness in the tongue.
And of course the nice pressies... a BBQ treat from Lta Ennoying D, a kindle from Sarge Wen AC and treats from Kaledoscop3 and Lins to eat while reading  ( Remember on TV as the ideal gift if you can't figure out a gift idea!)
Ha! Ha! We we given also a UWA 2012 calendar where Lta Ennoying D got two of his pictures selected in the competition.
This one is "Red" for the month of December
This one is Road to Wisdom for January... so he made it to the alpha and omega!!!

No celebration is ever complete with dear Hannah...
Unfortunately cannot upload the first ever video of Hannah combing her hair. Will try tomorrow!
Today is Monday and make it another great Day the Lord has given us!

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