Thursday, September 8, 2011

What to eat

Ha!Ha! First on the list is Bananas.. a bunch of del monte for $2.00 and not $13 per kg. Then there is lychee... $3 per kg and not $9.99 ( police come already!) And of course durians at $ 2 each instead of $6 per kg!
Shucks...looks like we are going to have shark fin soup.

Can you see the threads of fin cartilage in the soup mybakuteh GM boiled? Well the little shark the indianboyfriend GP caught is giving more than we expected!!!
And Back in Singapore COE is now $51K for cars up to 1600 cc.
Yesterday was Hannah visiting day and she was really alert in the morning.
See for your self.

And see how she hads grown over the days...
This is one of the best picture taken yet. And after being up for a few minutes, she is back to sleepyland.
Today is Thursday and it is Cole's Day....Petrol prices have gone up to $1.35 and we do need another Coles express. The Caltex ones in Woolies does seem to be very useful.
And tomorrow? Ha!Ha! Hannah visit day and ... err.. pai seh to say man.
Have a great day.

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