Monday, September 26, 2011

Hippo Hurray!!!!!

Ha!Ha! It was the celebration for Sarge Wen AC last night. Kaledoscop3 AK improvised a Crispy Creame combination dounut cake with sparklers on top which proved a hit. Everyone ate the donuts under the pretense of tasting for its flavour until there was only one left to bring home for Hannah!

And the Video cliop release of the "Birthday Song" - possible now with the indianboyfriend upgraded broadband! ( Ha! Ha! now the challenge is to upgrade it again to adsl wireless for the ipad!). Now go back to the first pic and look at the empty skewer stick and look at the before pic below.
500 kg all eaten up in one evening!And there is more! Happily at the last moment Lta Ennoying could make it and this is what he ordered and finished!

At this hippo Creek african grill restaurant if you order the 2 kg steak for $100 and eat it all up, they will refund you $50 and take a pic of you and hang up at the restaurant! And Hannah as usual slept through the celebration.

As it was upstairs, Lta Ennoying had to carry the stroller up the long flight of steps... with Hannah sleeping through it both way up and down. She only wake up momentarily at the car park when she was transfered to the car seat.
Birthday are celebrated best with your loved ones  and family.
And here is the failed smuggler of Singapore Hokkien Mee and Mee Pok, resigning to the easier task of eating steak. There are two prices for steak here- grass fed and cereal fed cows!

And this is the upstairs family meal, including dear Hannah.  Looks like it was a mix up night as all the meat orders were grilled to the wrong cook. Those who want it blu and bloody got it over cooked and those who want it well done it is medium.
We had to return the meat as they cost $40 per plate!
Despite everything, we all agreed it was a wonderful celebration at the very scenic Hillarys harbour.
The Birthday Boy has written off this place and will now only consider the Hippo Creek at Subi! The day ended with two ang pows - one from Lta Ennoying D and the other Halt Chor ( by proxy) KP!
We are now in sunny Singapore in our T shirt and shorts. No more socks to wear and no jumpers! Mybakuteh GM went to Chong Pang and is now mei nu as she got her hair all permed! And we found our cockroach trapped bagged a lizard instead! We will miss watching Sarge Wen AC gobbling down his eggs and bake beans every morning and the Hannah visits! Grow Big, Big Hannah for Gong2 and Ma2!

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