Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleep in heavenly peace

Ha! Ha! Baby Hannah is resting contentedly on the bed. Daddy Lta Ennoying says she is looking at the video screen.
Wah, got supplement pressies! First I-pad. Now iPad cover from Sarge Wen AC! Then that is not all. Got iPad pen from Lta Ennoying D. Good timing as finger tip is now all corned up!
Meanwhile back at Beatty Avenue, the Renovator's bug has caught on. Look at the new plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen.
And we are now at Langford enjoying a delicious baked chicken for dinner. And the artificial garden still looks good tho it needed daily watering! Yep not to grow the plastic but to wash away the remnants of three greedy dog's daily output! Believe me, it's about a kg per picking!
And what happened to Ah Pek? He is now the head of the dog garmen in exile. Now have to queue for his food like every dog else!
But he also no care. You can point and shoot bang him as many times as you want but he will just stand there.
By the way if the layout is different today, it is because it is published from my iPad.

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