Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alamak everything change so fast!

It was drizzling in the morning when we went downstairs for breakfast ( Kaledoscop3 sms it was raining hail on her way to work!). The coffee shop at the end was under new management. And what a management! Our favourite mee shop was booted out and the price of the new mee was $2.80 now and it tasted the worse off! Our first task was to seek out the durians but when bo hie, hei was okay. We went for the bananas. Kaledoscop3 bought a bunch for $4 ringgit but we got one here for $1.20!!!
Mybakuteh went to Chong Pang and perm her hair. Wait for photos soon!
Had lunch with Halt Chor who was not feeling too well lately. See the bowl of kuay tiao? She only ate half. The excited Ko Po asked 101 questions about Hannah. Well time flies in hot Singapore and it was back to swimming. Read a pile of letters and the key action was to pay the bills. Got a letter from the presidential hopeful Tan Chin Bok.
Today is Wednesday and it is mid week. Enjoy.

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