Monday, September 12, 2011

Hannah visits Beatty Avenue Aka SADP

Ha!Ha! Hannah visited Beatty Avenue on Sunday. The place has applied and is now an Approved Salvation Army Baby dropped off point. It is 24 X 7!!!

Above is Hannah in her gro-bag.

During this visit, she is determined to keep an eye on things! Look how determined she is in the video clip!
Yesterday was also the professional photographer visit ( aka Lta Ennoying D). Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen AC polished the windows so clean that it looks like you can walk through there. And with photo finished the pics were perfectly done by the end of the day. And to culminate the third day of celebration, here is the dinner at Scarborough.
And what did the Indianboyfriend GP eat?
The Elvis Presley burger of course.. Pant... Pant.. cannot finish lair.
And what did the others eat?
A rack of juicy ribs...
Chicken salad....
Hmm... forget what it was but it sure had lots of fries.

And there was a show plate as appertizers.
And this is the T bone steak for Lta Ennoying D which came too early.. medium but a little cold.
And what was little Hannah doing during the celebrations? Her forte... sleeping peacefully.

And this is the gang... The one in red tee has earned the Master Fisherman title today.  Lins went out deep sea fishing and caught the most fish.. one pinkie, one large skipper and a coral trout.....

And this was not all. There was also the lunch makan at Torres... Great kuay tiow for sure... Can you see Hannah doing what she is best at... sleeping in the pram?
And what about the birthday gift...Well after some riddles ( it has to do with fruits) found it was a iphone 5! But the indianboyfriend asked for a change to an ipod.
Yao gei iphone 5
bu guo da ipad ai
Ni shuo qi Kuai bu qi kuai!!!
Today is Monday and a new day to a new week! Enjoy!

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