Friday, September 16, 2011

And the Winner is Hannah!!!

And coming in weighing at 4.3 kg in the corner of the ring is Baby Hannah aka Houdini... who is at once declared Champion because of her weight!
And another shot of the Champion

And also a Champion blurper after feeds..
And back to sleep after few minutes. Champion again for the breakthrough previous night when she first slept through from 11 pm to 6 am!!! No more night feeds!!!
And as a reward for all here is a clip...
And it was B Blinds (  photo shoot last night at the home of award winning photographer ( 2 photo Credit in UWA 2011 Calendar) Lta ennoying D!
And First thing first - boxing chicken and roast duck dinner with vietnamese beef.

And the meal was supplemented by myabakuteh GM's delicious chicken soup and vegetables!
And after dinner, it was the presentation of the indianboyfriend GP pressie!
Sarge Wen AC stayed up to midnight to connect the ipad and showed the indianboyfriend GP how this wonderful machine worked! Thank you everyone for the delightful pressie which will keep the indianboyfriend GP entertained for hours!

And while the photo-shooting was going on at Langford, some nasty evil was brewing at Beatty Avenue.. KITCHEN INVASION!!!
Ah Pek GP ( Great Pretender) broke into the kitchen and jumped to the top of the oven and broke the bottle of olive  and fish sauce oil. And that was not all. Apparently he ate the oil and vomitted a yucky pool in the hall. But miraculously, Ah Pek was clean.. no soiling of the jacket and no stepping on the vomit.  Mybakuteh GM took an  hour to clean up the oil and glass, the indianboyfriend GP cleared the vomit ( from his extensive poo picking experience), and Sarge Wen AC mopped the floor.
Luckily mybakuteh GM bought coke from Spudshed to refresh herself after the clean-up ( the cheapest coke in town)

Even Baby Hannah was not happy over this and is making a fuss over Ah Pek's misdeeds.. See for yourself
After that, we had to locked the dog in the wash area for the night for fear it may have diarhhoe at night. Funny thing, the dog seems to be remorseful ( or pretending) and no a whisper or whining in the night. There are two possibilities:
(1) The dog jumped at the bag of dog food and eat all and fell into deep sleep ( 3 level dream )
(2) The dog fell sick and died on the floor
The next morning, when the indianboyfriend GP opened the door, everything was normal.. no vomit or poo. And the walk was normal as if nothing has happened. The Council met and the decision was to sent Ah Home. It was not unanimous as the indianboyfriend voted for forgiveness. But it was no forgiveness from Sarge Wen AC and mybakuteh GM... Even she will not offer treats this morning as the poor dog stood perplexed ( or di gon ) at the kitchen entrance.

  Looks like he has committed the unforgivable sin. As the Lta Ennoying D, the Father once said, a dog is a dog and you do not know what it is capable of as it is an animal.
Hmm.. at least there are two beneficiaries to this... Pirate and Ashley!
Have a great weekend! You too Ah Pek!

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