Friday, September 9, 2011

Ha!Ha! On this Day, the Indianboyfriend GP praise the Lord for his bountiful blessings. First for having the best family in the world - three unbeatable children and a loveable Grand daughter! Then there is the good health which must not be taken for granted. Coupled with this is the financial blessings from the good Lord. It is the Lord tha giveth and thanks must return to Him! And talking about blessings, here is the first.
A timely pressie from mybakuteh GM early this morning! Just what the indianboyfriend needed in this cold weather.
Back at Beatty Santa Ah Pek is shedding its snow around the house. Leave a bowl of hot water on the coffee table and soon you will have Pho to eat!!!
Ha!Ha! Saw the ducks again yesterday and they have grown! Hmm good omen for visiting Uncle B today. See the Duck and you have luck!!!
This is what the indianboyfriend GP saw while walking Ah Pek. It is a profound lesson in life. No matter where you are, and how seeming bad the circumstances, you can also put forward your best and give the beauty inside you!!!
Ha!Ha! It is also Hannag visiting day today!!!
Here is another serious pose from Hannah. Notice how much she has grown! And a video to match. She is saying...Don't bore me!
The weekend is here! Enjoy!

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