Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jumping Alive

This is the jewfish Lins did not catch. Ha!Ha! 14 kg and will down in the fishing charter's website!
These are the fishes he caught. He came out as the one who caught the most!!!

While all this fishing excitement is going on (with people puking into the sea), Little Hannah is not impressed... in fact she finds it boring... She rolled over and sleep..

That is  sleep on in her new Easter blanklet. Well by easter she should be able to eat the choc eggs and perhaps hunt or crawl for them!!!

And who is the smarted dog in Town... Well it is Professor Ah Pek
And the master Dog Trainer? Kaledoscop3 Milan of course. Look at this Bang and you are dead video clip.
And this is not all.. there is the sitting position Bang and you die..

And more to come on. The slow motion Bang and you die!
Ha!Ha! Next trick is for him to ring a bell to go outside for a poo!!! Today at 9 am is the Miss Universe Finals. The top three contenders are Miss Australia, Miss USA and Miss China... Hmm. Ms Biggs had too extend her bikini as it was too seen too brief!!!! Well let's see if you can do the Samantha stunt to bring Australia to world championship again!!!!
Today is Tuesday and it will another blessed day!

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