Friday, September 2, 2011

Room Invasion!

Room invasion at Beatty Avenue yesterday while we were out shopping. The culprit went into out bedroom and climbed on a chair to snatch a pack of half eaten macademia nuts. That was not all. The assailant sat on the bed and enjoyed the meal, leaving a mess of wrapper bits behind and dirt stains.  And if this was not enough, he climbed up the kitchen board, took the wrapped dried sweets and scattered them on the floor. As it was too peppery hot, he broke open only one sweet. And there was no remorse!!!! The only side effect was two bags of poo this morning!!! Sarge Wen AC was kind to comment that he did it because he was bored!
But there were happier things yesterday.
It was a shopping trip to harbour town.
ciao harbour town
mei you hai wai
ni shuo qi kuai
bu qi kuai!
And there were bargains galore.The indianboyfriend did not want to lose out and got a nice pair of leather-lined shoes for $15!!!!!Now he can visit Uncle B nexy week in style!
And a wonderful treat followed. Oishi deska!
Unagi... tender, warm and juicy...

Sashimi with egg roe... sweetly delightful..
And last but not least, sashima delights.. with chunky fresh juicy fish!!!!
Went jogging in the afternoon and saw the ducklings again. This time as the indianboyfriend GP wanted to go near to shoot, the bigger duck defended the brood by coming at him... ha!ha! what can the puny duck do except end up as kam chay ak!!!!!!Can you count how many ducklings before video clip ends?
Ha!Ha! Today is Friday already and weekend is here. And it is a Father's Day weekend so watch it if you plan to eat out!!!!

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