Sunday, September 30, 2012

Zhong Chiu Jie

Alamak! How to eat these piglets that Uncle Hin Weng bought. The big ones have egg yolk inside and the small ones have lotus paste. Wonder what is inside the fencing. Well despite his offers last night no one had the heart to cut and eat the work of art!
Lanterns were up and Joab was the first to carry the Dina saur paper lantern. This year, the lanterns ones have their battery light source! Solves the lighting and fire hazard problem.
You can see Nikki carry the battery operated lanterns. While children play, the adults kept on munching.
Dear Mummy display her receent medication, keep hard at work producing the folded ballons for the children to play. See the pair of legs? Well, the body that belongs to it suddenly came to live when the Chelsea and Arsenal match came on!
On the way back, we saw a convoy of ngai teng lan. Then at every community centre we passed there were hundreds of parents and children turning up for the lantern carry. While we lost our way taking bus there, Yin Ping and Boon was very kind to send us right to our door steps. Seem Gayle was doing the backseat driving on her baby seat!
Family gatherings are wonderful occasion especially when everyone turns up. The new bride came with the hubby despite having to catch the 2 am flight on the same night!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Best Way to Start the Weekend

Ha! Ha! The best way to start the weekend is to wake up and face time with dear Hannah
Look at her with her duckie ngai teng lan! Must say it is as big as her. Told she is afraid of the music.
Masterchief in Action. Hannah has acquired a kitchen to cook in. Look at her opening the oven door.
And it is a second tooth. Look carefully to see Too Tooth!
And after facetime, what could be better than No 4 mee!
And what do you do after gulping down the mee pok?
Say please, like dear Hannah for some more!





Thursday, September 27, 2012

FT Again

Ha! Ha! Saw Dear Hannah again this morning before she goes to school. Looks a little early to get excited for her.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Being Ah Pek

How do you know when you are Ah Pek already? Well, when you start feeling tired after spending a day out. Last last night - was out the whole day and had a dinner treat from Hock Lye. Alamak - got home the eyes cannot open already. Being Ah Pek also means you cannot do several errands in town on one day. Do one one day and come home and take an afternoon nap.
Hock Lye brought us to the Grand Shanghai Restuarant in King's Centre. The food was distinctively good - they have the best xiao long bao in town.
Alamak.. eat until mybakuteh could not finish the last course of fried rice. ( Another sign of being Ah Pek or Ah Hmm.. cannot eat alot). It was a good time of get together with old friends... or meaning old friends getting together to gossip about other old friends.
ICloud got cloud! Wipe out my Calendar data - the greatest horror to face when you open your ipad. Even Guru Sarge Wen could not help. Finally called up Apple and they really have a first calls technical help desk. This is how it goes. When the ipad was upgraded to Os6, the ignorant indianboyfriend turn on the mail syn switch. What happens, the girl explain, was the blank data in ICloud over rode the data in ICloud. No way to retrieve even when I go to Itunes in the PC to restore back up. So thought about it all day in school.. very bad student... and had a great idea. Switch off ICloud and they asked if you want to wipe out the data IClous used to wipe out the ipad data. Yes! Then this morning.. Hallelujah.. some of the data appeared. So the moral of the story is - don't be too khiang! This weekend will be spent inputing the rest of the data! Funny thing though - went to yahoo calendar and all the data was there! But alamak, cannot export or refresh until some one tells me how. Hmm got to be naughty student again today and google in class.
How the old feeling of waiting of weekend is here again!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Belakang Pusing ( About Turn)

Alamak...getting old already. Yesterday changed train at Jurong East and got a seat. But happiness soon evaporated when the indianboyfriend discovered he was heading the wrong direction to Joo Koon. So return to JE and experience the MRT crush a second time!
Well looks like have to go to China town and look for a lantern. William wants to organise a ngai teng lang event at his house this Sunday...Eat mooncake and shang yue liang... if the old moonie will appear at all and if the HDB flats do not block the sky. Ha!Ha! Have not eaten any moon cakes yet.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sarge Wen!

A very happy birthday to Saarge Wen - a Son all parents would love to have! May the Lord truly bless.
Ha!Ha! 2003! Nine years ago!
Ha!Ha! 2007 - five years ago

De ja Vu

Went to Chong Pang on Sunday and the mee seller asked why so long never come. She still remembers that we prefer fish cake soup but forgot to bring the special chilli to us. Then de ja vu. Remember the incident when I called the server Kopi to wave her over but she disappeared and brought a glass of kopi. We paid but did not drink. Then we boycotted the stall and used another one. Yesterday we saw her again, working for the new stall as her old one folded - powderful eh! The dilemna is whether to buy from the new stall!

The Capella hotel has an immdiate wash system in place for tea ceremony although we are doubtful of the hygiene.
Whe you go anywhere with William and Doris, you are always punctual. They were very nice to pick us up to attend the wedding ( and send us back). Had another video clip of the wedding and this one is fairly clear - you have to watch it on your pc if you have an ipad.
How time flies... remembers me of the Fiddler on the Roof song "Sunrise, Sunset".... Is this the little girl I dream of... is this the little girl at play
Today cho kang again... hope will not be crushed by the MRT crowd at Jurong East interchange- you cannot get into the first train that arrives.
This weekend alamak! Turn on TV. all you see is zoom, zoom zoom and nothing else. Last night got bang bang...Wonder what is all the excitement... better off watching Hawthorn and Fremantle!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Garden Wedding

Tucked in the Capella Hotel in Sentosa, yesterday's wedding was a delightful and memorial event, with strong family support from the Singapore and Dutch side.
The tea ceremony started off the morning and it was a nice long affair as relatives were called to partake in the cermony.
Serving tea to Mark's parents. Both of Mark's grandma were present and both looked as not one day older.

Ha!Ha!. Pocket too small for the ever flowing ang pows!
The deed is done! Kuan Chian was the presiding Minister. Marital bliss has began!
Hmm will always remember the occasion when brewing up a cup of afternoon tea.
One of the little personal highlights of the wedding. Hmm as they served in individual portions, the indianboyfriend asked if there are any remainder for him to take seconds. Alamak! No sound, no picture!
It was a great touching wedding and went back with sweet memories and a totally bloated tummy. And all that remains is to toast to the wonderful couple as they start married life together with the Lord's blessing.
Best Wishes to Samantha and Mark!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Great start for an an auspicious day

Today is Boo's Big Day! And it started well with FaceTime with Hannah. Mummy is not well. Do pray for her. Look at Hannah in her kimono pjs!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Nasi Linggi

Had lunch at the school and there were only two stalls open. One Malay stall was selling Nasi Linggi. Nasi Lemak I said... no Nasi Linggi. Lived all my life in Singapore and first time see Nasi Linggi. So bought and eat. Not bad. Then hmm kam wan... went home and surf the net. It is a common dish in Indonesia.
Rained again yesterday and reminded me if the apple and bonsai plants have been watered. Watch Singapore CSI yesterday - Code law which is based on a true story of a maid dismembering the body of another after a fight.
Life is very xin koo now. Wake up at 6 am and have to fight the daily fear of being crushed in the train. Came how last night and heard people go Chinatown gelek gelek and eat fruit mee siam and drink sugar cane juice.
Being caught in the hustle and bustle is like a spring suddenly being released. Cannot cope man!!! And tomorrow is the BIG Day for Boo and another busy weekend! Thank God it is Friday... or is it already?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back to Singapore

Ha!Ha! Back to Singapore, and no longer back to home! Lta Ennoying gave us a lift to the airport and the trip was pretty good considering it was Qantas.
Alamak! Why never blog yesterday mybaluteh asked. Got the Samantha Cheok syndrome.. busy busy busy. Had to go town for appointment, fix the tag heur glass case, duplicate the master keys and change money. Very stressful for someone who normally does nothing the whole day. Then this and next week... going back to school everyday!
We had a welcome back surprise with wonderful night visitors. The first question Ethan asked the indianboyfriend was have you seen the latest Spiderman.... He thought a little .. Have seen many spiders in Success.. spiderman... no. Then he sadly said the had not seen too.. HINT HINT HINT ..Daddy.
Had to settle with No 5 Stall yesterday morning after making a trip to Ang Mo Kio for brekky...Hmm the whole market was closed.. so went by and ate at the coffee shop. But don't comprain... at least got ta mee pok!!!
Wah China town so well decorated for the Mid Autumn festival.. everywhere sell lantern. Then thought about dear Hannah... will she be carrying her first lantern this year????
Also Singapore welcomed us to the rains... It was pouring yesterday so skipped swimming. But we are comforted that all the good food is at our arm's length. Hmm the first was real Chin chow made by mybakuteh.
And Singtel now very good. Told you chaps we signed up for Mio TV for $9 a month and now they send letter to give us FREE boardband until end July next year! And got it activated... now the wholehouse is covered 24 X 7 at all places including the bathrooms! Pity we are held by the throat by contract with M1....What remains is to wait for Hannah Facetime!
Also started perspiring and bathing is now a pleasure, not a challenge!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Happiest Baby

It was another visit to dear Hannah before we leave for Singapore. And she was all happy and sunshine.
We played the walking game to strengthen her legs.
And she is enjoying it for whatever the purpose.
Then more sober time when reading her Teacher's report on her. Hmm she ate lamb curry at the school for lunch.
Looking out of the window to see the doggie kor kor.
But I am still keeping an eye on you chaps.
You cannot help but accede to her request...
Ha!Ha! That was wayang actual... I tried to look pathetic.
I can see forever on a clear day.
Lta Ennoying lime is also flowering in Spring... Mee Siam will be on the table soon!
And back in Success, the roses are blooming again in Spring.
Yesterday the Vic Park Handyman has to change a bulb holder. Thought it was as simple as ABC but no! This complicated wirting - six wires with two interwined from different source was a challenge. But it was done! The holder at Bunning cost $4... and if we had called an electrian, it will be another $150!
Today is the day we are leaving for Singapore. It was a good two months filled with birthday celebrations. First was Hannah's balloon party, followed by Lins. Then Wen and the Indianboyfriend with lobby noodles. And on line celebrations for Halt Chor's momentous 60th birthday and June's.
Perth has become more of a home for us and it is now no longer going back home as going to Singapore. And what we will miss is our children and grand daughter. But the silver lining is that we are heading to Dubai to see Kaledoscop3.  Praise God for his abundant blessings.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Taurus Nasi Lemak

Ha!Ha! Sunday lunch at Taurus... famous for its nasi lemak.

Which reminds the indiasnboyfriend to eat nasi lemak at Chong Pang this week. Look at the nee goreng plate - it's all gobbled up first!
I say man... the orange plant is flowering at last! Mybakuteh says its very fragrant....Meanwhile the Dorsetn Gold apple has completed its flowering cycle and we are now waiting to the fruits to evolve!
The roses in front are blooming like crazy with the onset of Spring.
And this mysterious hedge in our secret garden is covered with hundreds of buds. Wonder what flowers will bloom this week!!!
The weather is absolutely fabulous now. Nice cool evenings and air conditioned mornings.  Think it is the best time to be in Australia.. but alas we are heading back.
Today is one last visit to Hannah before we go off! This is a must!