Friday, September 7, 2012

Meet Beethoven

Ha!Ha! Beethoven is not the Shaggy dog as in the movie. Beethoven is the creation of mybakuteh in the garden - her very compost heap. Why Beethoven.... easy.. it is decomposing!!!!
Too Kiashu so bought another apple tree - the bao chiat one - sure to fruit.
This one is (H) ana variety which has its origin from Israel. The early one is a Dorsent Gold which is from Bahamas. Everyone asked me if the apple tree I bought is crunchy or powdery. Well the Dorset gold is definitely crunch - found out from internet after buying! Apple trees must be grown in pairs for cross pollination. (H)anna and Dorset Gold are compatible. According to the landscape garden they should fruit TWICE a year but this may mean lesser and smaller fruits. The first fruits with all these flowers are expected in Jan! The planting was done under the supervision of SUCCESS Landscaping chief gardener mybakuteh.
So this is the fruit treer corner, Two apples trees followed by an orange. In fact Success Construction went in earlier to bulldozed of three existing plants to clear the patch for the fruities! Future plans... in Novemeber when we are back, a cherry tree will be added. Sarge Wen remarked that the land there might be a tight squeeze for the fruities. That's positive thing, considering we do  not know if the planting will be a success!

Good Aussie  neighbours are hard to find. Our kind neighbours surprised us last night by visiting us with their three kids. They brought their own made thank you cards to us for the little things we gave them in appreciation for trimming our lawn outside - like fruits and ice-cream. Their children are so adorable. The little boy jumped on the bucket seat and said "I could sleep here all day!". They have nice house opposite with a swimming pool behind and a boat in front!
Today is the night of the Lobster noodle dinner. Hope every will turn up for this family meal.

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