Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Secret Garden

We mentioned about the extra cactus plants we only found after moving in for a few months. Well anothere surprise for mybakuteh yesterday as she saw these beautiful flowers suddenly sprout out under the yellow bush!

And more secrets. Heard some noise in the front yard and say a most beautiful bird trying to use the bird bath in front!
You need to strain your eyes a little to see the green bird.
And the wonder wan swee is ground like crazy. Mybakuteh says she uses the Xian technique - spray the seeds like crazy!
Went jogging again and saw more lilies of the field on the other side of the road. Visit my friendly neighbour Gavin yesterday and found he had the same problem as Lta Ennoying. His dog is digging his garden and chewing up things. The remarkable thing is that he has built a chicken coop behind next to the swimming pool. And he says we will be getting eggs soon! Told him about our intention to breed quailds but the big man said, the eggs are too little to worth the effort. Gavin also showed me a video of a poisonous snake he saw across the other side of the street next to the bush land. He also has a video clip of a lake with large fishes in the clear water nearby. Ha!Ha! This will be the destination of the next jog!
More and better Chong Pang Cha Tow Kuay this morning. Ha!Ha! Think we will probably not go back to Singapore as frequently next year... especially with a walking Hannah!


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