Monday, September 3, 2012

The Heavens declare the Glory of God

Spotting rainbows is quite a frequent phenomona but seeing a full rainbow is rare. This spectacular one was seen from the backyard early in the morning and it stayed for about five minutes.
Look at the spectacular glow in the sky - makes you want to believe there is a pot of gold at the end.

Ha!Ha! This is the tail end part when the rainbow started to fade. Standing behind the glory of the Lord!
And look who has arrived in Perth and at the best part of the year - glorious Spring! We were at canning vale markets yesterday and the only avid shopper was the little lady standing in the right. Look at the smile of a satisfied shopper. Almost bought some quails to rear at home... luckily did not make a impetuous decision or we have the quails flying away from the garden and neighbours thinking the heavens is raining quails!!!!
Meanwhile Success Food Court is piling up more and more Singaporean dishes.
Chwee Kuay - with spicy chilli and fragant chai paw!
Oh Luak with real oysters ( frozen although) - extremely authentic. Oh yes, mybakuteh bought 3 coconuts and canning vale and looks like jelly coconuts are on the way.
Kaledoscop3 observed that Hannah's facetime pics seem indicate that dear Hannah is mimicking the facial expression of the grandparents... See for your self

Ha!Ha! Four more days to lobby noodles!


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