Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Happiest Baby

It was another visit to dear Hannah before we leave for Singapore. And she was all happy and sunshine.
We played the walking game to strengthen her legs.
And she is enjoying it for whatever the purpose.
Then more sober time when reading her Teacher's report on her. Hmm she ate lamb curry at the school for lunch.
Looking out of the window to see the doggie kor kor.
But I am still keeping an eye on you chaps.
You cannot help but accede to her request...
Ha!Ha! That was wayang actual... I tried to look pathetic.
I can see forever on a clear day.
Lta Ennoying lime is also flowering in Spring... Mee Siam will be on the table soon!
And back in Success, the roses are blooming again in Spring.
Yesterday the Vic Park Handyman has to change a bulb holder. Thought it was as simple as ABC but no! This complicated wirting - six wires with two interwined from different source was a challenge. But it was done! The holder at Bunning cost $4... and if we had called an electrian, it will be another $150!
Today is the day we are leaving for Singapore. It was a good two months filled with birthday celebrations. First was Hannah's balloon party, followed by Lins. Then Wen and the Indianboyfriend with lobby noodles. And on line celebrations for Halt Chor's momentous 60th birthday and June's.
Perth has become more of a home for us and it is now no longer going back home as going to Singapore. And what we will miss is our children and grand daughter. But the silver lining is that we are heading to Dubai to see Kaledoscop3.  Praise God for his abundant blessings.

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