Monday, September 10, 2012

Best Week Ever

What do you look forward to from retirement day until the Lord takes you away? Fished until you cannot lift up your biggest catch? Golf until you have the perfect game? Travel until you lost track of time? Well it should be heart warming family  experiences and memories of it.
Yesterday Mybakuteh surprised the indianboyfriend by cooking a delightful feast of his favourite mee siam.
 Angela had another surprise pressie - a bonsai plant which is said to live for over a hundred year. And these warm family experiences will become heart touching memories. Imagine the years down the road when the great grandchildren would ask why the mother was watering the surviving  miniature plant and the answer may sound like this: Grandma bought this for great grandpa's birthday - on that day great grandma cooked a wonderful feast of great grandpa's mee-siam the left over of which grandma and grandpa took to work for lunch".
The subway birthday lunch was merely food to eat without the crucial family warmth. Sarge Wen called me on Sunday from CBD specially to wish me on my birthday date.Earlier, He and Angela also arranged a surprise Father's Cake. Who would ever forget about warm family experience whenever an image of the porcupine fugu fish pops up on TV or in a  sea-side shop? Kaledoscop3 wished the indianboyfriend via facetime and gave us a memorable trip to Melbourne, made even more impressionable with the lobby noodle treat. While eating the lobby noodles last friday, the Melbourne memory invariably pops up ( unfortunately also the glimpses of the monster crab we did not eat). But these are memories that strengthen you and know that God has blessed you. The indianboyfriend thought that perhaps Lta Ennoying was too preoccupied with Hannah and have forgotten the date. But no, in the evening, he called with a bad cold, giving the cheerful greeting. And family experiences goes beyond the immediate family. The indianboyfriend was touched by Lin's pressie. And Kin who msm the indianboyfriend on behalf of dear Hannah to greet him.
And there were family friends who posted kind greetings on fb. Early Henry made a posting with pics that does not justify my age but it is the care and concern that makes it heart-warming. And Lee who still keeps the tradition of giving birthday Ang Pow and in Aussie currency.
The most meaningful thing is life is to have a warm caring  family relationship encompassing you, to remind you have done right in life. And these experiences will become part of your memory collection to carry you through the ups and downs of life. Friends, although diminishing, are important reinforcers too, but in the end it all boils down to the family relationship.
As you look up on a starry Spring night and be enveloped by the endlessness of the universe, it is absolutely fulfulling to know deep down  you are loved and cared for by your family. Praise be unto God.
( Will talk about the garden tomorrow.)

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