Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mo yi Chi Doh

It was birthday celebration all over again last night at Langford with a yummy banana cake baked by Kin. And a lovely authentic laksa yong tau foo for dinner!
The bonus was of course having to spend time with dear Hannah before the meal. And what a smiley baby!
First meeting and needs a little warm up.
Quick warm up and she is ready to be Miss Sunshine.
Warning: do not say the "No" word or she will pauch! This is the start up signal... Ha!Ha!
But most of the time, she is Miss Happy.
Or she she showing off her one tooth?

You cannot be more happy than this!
After Daddy has bathed dear Hannah...still smiling
Even broader smile.If you say ring ring, she will say Hi!
Then the one finger catwalk presentation. Well this Thursday is Zoo Day for Hannah....
Back at Success, it Chong Pang brekky this morning. Cha tow kuay in two versions - black sauce and white. And where did the live garnishing come from?
Ta!Ta! Just pop into the garden and snip, snip!
And talking about garden, spotted two praying mantis living in the orange plant. Goggled and found they eat bugs and aphids - so they are friends. Wonder if they would mate and produce holy praying babies!!!
Today is Tuesday and it's garbage collection day - lucky the phone alarm rang last night!


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