Sunday, September 9, 2012

Busy at Work

 Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen asked how the bees would know how to pollinate the two different apple plants. The answer was spotted this morning. See the busy bee resting on the flowers? Well it flew from tree to tree!

Meanwhile never saw so many tulips in my life. Araluen which means running water in aboriginal language is a nice park to have a picnic on a sunny day.
We went to sit on the information train which was by donation of gold coin. The indianboyfriend whipped out some coins in preparation. When the train arrived, he saw that most of the people did not put money in the box, so he skipped it. Then we went to church at night and the guest preacher spoke on the incident of the cloud on the tent when the children was in the wilderness. He said " Follow the cloud, not the crowd". The indianboyfriend got it  - he realised his chowka -ness!
There was also spring time in Japan with Cherry blossoms.
And this is the beautiful Camelia Tree - roses without flowers.
Surprisingly, there were also lemon trees there - giant lemons.
Look at the amazing white tulips.
And the burning red ones.
And these fiery yellow blooms.
This is the first batch we saw on arrival... not so spectacular.
Alamak. Araluen is so big that you need a map to navigate. Even the car park attendant could not locate us on the map!
And to end the morning - not BBQ lunch in the gardens but mee fan yu tou at Bateman. Hmmm somehow it doesn't taste as good we expected.
Luckily we got a parking lot for the church service yesterday. The was an acapella group that present a series of wonderful song. The guest speaker The indianboyfriend think, is Pakistani - called Kameel.
The Sun is up again and a glorious morning - time to go to subway to claim the birthday free sandwich and coke!


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